5 Complications That May Happen When You Give Birth


Medical Video: Delivery Complications During Cesarean – Manipal Hospital

Pregnancy and childbirth is not an easy process. You not only face problems during pregnancy, but during childbirth you can also experience childbirth complications. But, don't be afraid, all these things will be covered with happiness. You see your baby born safely.

Common childbirth complications

Some of the complications of childbirth that can occur to you are:

1. Breech baby

When your gestational age is nearing the time of birth, you usually need to see your doctor to see the baby's position. Is the baby's position good or baby breeches? A good baby's position at birth is the baby's head down and the baby facing down. If the position of the baby is breech, then you will be advised to do various ways to restore the baby to its proper position by natural means.

However, if this does not work and the position of the baby is still breeched at birth, this will make the delivery process more complicated. Childbirth by caesarean section may be recommended at this time.

2. The process of giving birth is too long

Childbirth is a natural process in which every mother can do it. A smooth birth process may take only a few hours. However, some mothers may experience problems in the cervix (as a way out for the baby). The mother's cervix can have difficulty developing and enlarging, so the baby is difficult to get out and the delivery process lasts longer.

The longer birth process is certainly not good if left unchecked. The risk of the mother having an infection (if the amniotic fluid has ruptured) is getting bigger. For this reason, doctors will usually give medication to help speed up the delivery process or sometimes a caesarean section needs to be done.

3. Umbilical cord prolapse

During the womb, but the navel is the foundation of the baby's life. The umbilical cord flows nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the baby's body so that the baby can grow and develop in the mother's womb. Sometimes, during the delivery process, the umbilical cord can enter the cervix before the baby after the membranes rupture. But the navel can even come out first in the vagina than the baby. So, this condition is very dangerous for your baby. Blood flow that is still running from the umbilical cord to the baby can be disrupted. This is an emergency for babies.

4. The umbilical cord wrapped around the baby

Because the baby is always moving in the womb, the baby may be wrapped around the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord can wrap around the baby and release itself many times during pregnancy. However, the umbilical cord surrounding the baby during childbirth may endanger the baby when there is a decrease in blood flow to the baby because the umbilical cord is depressed. This can cause the baby's heart rate to decrease. If the baby's heart rate continues to deteriorate during labor and the baby shows other danger signs, caesarean delivery may be needed.

5. Heavy bleeding

After the baby is born, bleeding can occur in the mother. Normal mild bleeding occurs, but heavy bleeding can be serious. Excessive bleeding can be caused by uterine contractions after childbirth goes bad, the part of the placenta is still left in the uterus, and infection of the uterine wall. Thus, this results in blood vessels opening when the placenta is released from the uterine wall to continue to bleed.

Excessive bleeding after childbirth is commonly called postpartum hemorrhage. There are two types of postpartum hemorrhage, namely primary or direct (bleeding that occurs within 24 hours after delivery) and secondary or delayed (bleeding after the first 24 hours to 6 weeks after delivery).

5 Complications That May Happen When You Give Birth
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