Why Can I Cough When I have the Flu and Cold?


Medical Video: Cold & Flu Treatments : How to Treat a Cough Without Medicine

Coughing is the body's reflex to clear the airways from various foreign substances such as microorganisms, mucus, irritants (irritating factors), and also foods or drinks that enter the airways. Well, coughing often appears alone or accompanies other symptoms such as the flu and cold. Then, why does someone also experience coughing during flu and colds?

Why can we cough during flu and colds

cough and cold

Flu and colds are two different diseases so the cause is not the same. However, both of them have one of the same symptoms, namely coughing. Most people who experience flu and colds also experience coughing. Usually the flu is identical to a dry cough and a cold is synonymous with coughing up phlegm. More clearly about the differences in flu and colds, check the following link.

Prof. Alyn Morice, a respiratory expert at the Center for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Research, Hull York Medical School, UK, says humans are naturally infected with rhinovirus, which is the most common cause of colds and influenza viruses when they catch the flu.

Cold and flu viruses attack the body through the lining of the nose. In response, the body's immune system tries to fight the two viruses by releasing inflammatory mediators, bradykinin. Increased bradykinin in the body results in several symptoms such as sore throat. Apart from bradykinin, other mediators released to fight the virus are tachykinin, peptides, and leukotrienes. These mediators are one of the causes that make you cough.

Well, usually when the flu you experience a more severe cough compared to when the cold. This is caused by damage to the lining of cells in the airways which usually occurs when you have a cold due to a dry cough. Whereas when you runny nose, excess mucus production can also stimulate nerve receptors that ultimately make you cough. This occurs as a result of mucus stimulation to the nerve endings in the airways.

Generally, coughing when the flu and runny nose will disappear in three weeks, although some people can experience it until the 8th week. For that, do not worry when you experience coughing during flu and colds because this is fairly natural as the body's reaction to the two viruses that cause the disease.

Treat coughs during colds and colds

sleepy flu medicine

Cough that occurs when flu and colds are often accompanied by a sore throat. To relieve coughs and sore throats during flu and colds, you can do the following methods:

  • Take one teaspoon of honey to relieve cough and sore throat.
  • Drink enough water to moisturize the throat.
  • Drink tea or other warm drinks to help break mucus and moisturize the throat.
  • Inhale hot steam to moisturize and eliminate throat itching.
  • Get enough rest so that the body can maximize fighting the virus.
  • Avoid dirty air such as vehicle fumes and cigarette smoke because it can irritate coughs.
  • Take cough medicine to help remove mucus if phlegm and suppress cough stimulation in the throat if the cough is dry.
  • Take decongestant medication to relieve nasal congestion and relieve coughing.
  • Take vitamin C to boost the immune system.
Why Can I Cough When I have the Flu and Cold?
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