7 Diseases that Usually Attack Diabetics


Medical Video: Diabetes & Heart Disease

Diabetes is characterized by symptoms of an increase in blood sugar concentration caused by insufficient insulin and causing other system damage to the body, especially damage to blood vessels and nerves. This damage causes one or more other diseases that affect the development of diabetes in a person, also known as diabetes.

Co-morbid diseases can appear in the near future or in conjunction with diabetes, and are caused by conditions of hyperglycemia. Both type 1 diabetics and type 2 diabetes usually experience one comorbid disease. In fact, two out of five diabetics experience three comorbidities.

Hyperglycemia (high blood glucose levels) and body weight are the main causes of comorbidities in diabetics. However, the development of diabetes also causes sufferers to experience other diseases.

Co-morbid diseases that are directly related to the condition of diabetes

Also known as diabetes-related comorbidities, this disease is caused by conditions of hyperglycemia and obesity, as well as lifestyle risk factors in diabetics that lead to comorbidities.

1. Cardiovascular disease

In general, diabetes comorbidities are hypertension and heart disease. Cardiovascular disease is caused by damage to blood vessels in diabetics, can also be caused by lifestyle risk factors, one of which is smoking. This causes diabetics to be more susceptible to heart disease, especially in the elderly and women who have experienced menopause. It is also known that cardiovascular disease increases the risk of death in diabetics.

2. Stroke

The main causes of stroke found in people with diabetes are bleeding and plaque buildup in brain blood vessels due to hyperglycemia. This condition causes blockage of blood flow and oxygen to the brain due to atherosclerosis which leads to stroke. Stroke in diabetics will also reduce brain function in coordinating, thinking, moving the body, and ingesting food.

3. Retinopathy

Is a condition of bleeding of the blood vessels of the eye and retina due to high levels of sugar in the blood. Symptoms of retinopathy are not very visible, so you need a further eye examination. The development of this disease tends to be long to cause serious complications, namely blindness. However, it will be accelerated if diabetics have uncontrolled blood sugar levels.

4. Cancer

The development of cancer in diabetics can be caused by an imbalance in the hormone insulin and high blood sugar levels. Cancer also has the same risk factors as diabetes, including obesity, old age, and lack of physical activity. Some cancers that may be experienced by diabetics are:

  • Liver
  • Pancreas
  • Endometrium
  • Colorectal (intestine and rectum)
  • Breast
  • Bladder

Co-morbid diseases that are not directly related to the condition of diabetes

1. Fatty liver disease

This disease tends to be rare but in some diabetics, the condition of hyperglycemia increases liver enzymes (hepatic transaminase) exceeded the required limit to cause liver fat to exceed 10% of normal liver mass. Risk factors for obesity in diabetics also affect the development of this disease.

2. Depression

The stress caused by being diagnosed with diabetes can result in depression. Especially if the sufferer feels burdened with other diseases besides diabetes. Depression can affect the way diabetics control blood sugar levels. Depressed diabetics can also get other comorbidities to get worse so they are more at risk of early death.

3. Sleep apnea

Characterized by breathing disorders during sleep and often experienced diabetics with more weight (obesity). Sleep apnea causes an increase in insulin resistance, blood pressure, and sugar levels in diabetics. Diabetes will be more severe due to a decrease in the quality of health of sufferers due to lack of rest periods.

Diabetes comorbidities arise because of the body's high blood sugar levels that damage blood vessels and organs. In contrast to complications, comorbidities can appear close to the initial symptoms of diabetes and affect the development of the disease, even the development of recovery from diabetes.

Diabetes with comorbidities is at risk of causing complications such as neurological diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, and kidney failure. To avoid comorbidities, an early examination is needed, especially for hypertension and heart disease, as well as reducing risk factors from an unhealthy lifestyle.


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7 Diseases that Usually Attack Diabetics
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