7 Ways to Conquer Fear of Heart Disease



If you are worried about your future because you have heart disease, there is good news for you, namely: You have more control than you think.

With all serious conditions, fear can come. But you can still feel calm.

These 7 ways can calm your worries and help you live longer and actively.

1. Accept reality

Getting answers to questions about your health and your future can help calm your worries and make you feel more in control.

Ask your doctor to explain what might happen in the coming months and years.

Go to your next examination schedule and bring a list of questions, and a list of concerns you might have.

Ask for clear, specific information. Knowing the answer might be able to ease the burden on your mind.

2. Voice your fear

Talking to people you trust can help ease your fears.

"If you feel weak or worried about your health, that's normal," said Leslie Becker-Phelps, PhD, a psychologist at Basking Ridge, NJ.

But do not save your own fear, because over time it will accumulate and be contained within, making you more anxious than before.

Express your feelings with family members, friends, counselors, or doctors. You can also join support group.

Getting emotional support from others can help you feel more calm, not feel alone, and maybe help you see from another perspective.

Family and friends can also help you control your health. Talk to them about how it feels to have heart disease, and tell them how they can help you.

3. Move to get rid of your anxiety

One effective way to control anxiety, or feeling restless, anxious, tense, and quick to anger, is to move.

So, don't stay quiet. One easy thing like walking can calm your mind and make you feel better.

If your anxiety comes suddenly and is strong, and you suddenly suffer from difficulty breathing, chest pain, or sweating, it can be a panic attack, which can also be treated. Talk to your doctor.

Think about what you want for your future. What's important for you? How will you spend your time, personally and professionally?

4. Focus on what you can do

Even if your lifestyle was previously unhealthy, making improvements now can still cut your risk of heart attack or stroke, said John Higgins, MD, a sports cardiologist at the Texas health science center in Houston

The important things to focus on are:

Sports. If the doctor gives you permission, exercise is not only safe but also can improve your health.

Eat and sleep well. Prioritize a good night's sleep, and maintain a healthy diet.

Stop smoking. It's not too late. If you stop smoking today, you can prevent a heart attack or stroke.

5. Take steps little by little

Make a list of things you can do for a healthy lifestyle. Then, change one habit at a time, such as improving your diet, or start a new exercise program.

Changing everything at once might be too heavy. Set specific and reasonable goals. Focus on one target before moving to the next.

6. Chase the life you want

Set targets for tomorrow and the years to come. Becker-Phelps said, "Finding life goals is a good motivator, and will help you get life satisfaction."

7. If you feel stressed, seek help

Depression often comes with heart disease. If you feel sadness or loneliness, lack of stamina, or a change in sleep or eating habits, or if you are not interested in the things you usually like, you can be stressed.

If the feeling lasts more than 2 weeks, immediately talk to the doctor or the person closest to you. Treating depression can help you feel better and be ready to move forward with your life.

7 Ways to Conquer Fear of Heart Disease
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