All You Need to Know About Numular Eczema


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What is nummular eczema?

Numular eczema, also known as numular dermatitis or discoid eczema, is a chronic condition that causes coin-shaped patches on the skin. These patches are usually itchy and may discharge or harden.

What are the causes of numular eczema?

There is no known cause of numular eczema. Many people with nummular eczema have a history of allergies in their family, asthma, or atopic dermatitis (a skin condition that causes itching or a scaly rash). Often, people who have nummular eczema have sensitive skin that is easily irritated.

The following factors can worsen symptoms:

  • Stressful
  • Dry skin
  • Irritant from soap, detergent, metal, formaldehyde and so on.

Although rare, drug allergies can also be one of the contributing factors.

The following conditions can increase the risk of numular eczema:

  • Cold and dry climate
  • Dry skin
  • Subtle blood flow or swelling of the legs
  • Has a type of eczema or other dermatitis
  • Has wounds to the skin (injuries, insect bites, allergic reactions)
  • Bacterial infections of the skin

Symptoms of numular eczema

The most common and easily recognizable symptom of numular eczema is a wound in the form of coins in the body. It usually appears on the hands or feet, but can spread to the body. Wounds can be brown, pink or red, itchy, discharge, crusty or scaly. The skin around the eczema area can become reddish, rough or swollen.

How to diagnose numular eczema

The doctor will ask your family medical clinic and check your skin. Skin biopsy (taking a small portion of the skin for testing) can be done to eliminate other conditions, such as infection.

If your doctor suspects eczema is the result of an allergic reaction, your doctor can do an allergy test, such as a skin test, blood test, or an elimination test to determine what allergies you have.

How to treat numular eczema

There is no known treatment for numular eczema. But lifestyle changes and avoiding the trigger are the best ways to deal with the condition.

To control numular eczema, avoid:

  • Wool and other irritants that trigger symptoms
  • Over bath with hot water because it can make the skin dry
  • Use of hard soap
  • Stressful
  • Irritant exposure (cleansers, chemicals, etc.)
  • Use of clothing softeners
  • Scratches, cuts, and abrasions on the skin

To relieve eczema:

  • Use a damp bandage to protect the area
  • Take antihistamines to reduce itching
  • Use a treatment lotion or ointment (as prescribed for severe cases)
  • Ultraviolet light therapy for severe itching
  • Cortisone (ointment, injection or pill) can treat severe eczema

Numular eczema is a chronic condition and can not disappear completely. Avoid triggers that can worsen symptoms. Some wounds can disappear completely, but some can come and come back again. If not treated, secondary infections of the skin can occur. If infected, yellowish crust can form on infected wounds. If this happens, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

All You Need to Know About Numular Eczema
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