Choice of Breast Cancer Treatment Based on the Stadium


Medical Video: Breast Cancer | Treatment For Advanced Breast Cancer |

There are various treatments for breast cancer, and most people need a combination of two or more types of treatment.

Therapy given before the main treatment is called neoadjuvant therapy. An example is when chemotherapy is used to shrink the tumor before surgery. Therapy given after primary treatment is called adjuvant therapy. The goal of adjuvant therapy is not to recur. You can also find out complementary therapies at each stage of breast cancer. This is a therapy used with standard medical care. Many women benefit from therapies such as massage, acupuncture, and yoga.

Although there are standard treatments for different types and stages of breast cancer, your treatment will be tailored to your individual needs. Regarding the diagnosis of your cancer stage, your doctor will consider the type of breast cancer you have and other health factors. Your plan will be adjusted to how well you respond.

Stage 0 breast cancer

If precancerous cells are found in the milk ducts, it is called noninvasive breast cancer or ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Stage 0 breast cancer can spread outside the canal. Treatment is designed to stop you from invasive breast cancer. Lumpectomy plus radiation therapy is sufficient in many cases.


In lumpectomy, the surgeon removes cancer cells. This is a good choice when DCIS has not spread, and may even be done as an outpatient procedure.

"Simple mastectomy" is surgical removal of the breast. This is used when DCIS is found on all channels. Surgery to reconstruct the breast can begin at the time of mastectomy or later.

Radiation therapy

Radiation is a targeted type of therapy. This is usually recommended together with lumpectomy for stage 0 breast cancer. High-energy X-rays are used to destroy cancer cells, prevent spread, and the risk of recurrence. Radiation therapy is usually given five days a week for five to seven weeks.

Hormone treatment

Your doctor may recommend hormone therapy if you have lumpectomy for positive estrogen (ER +) receptors or positive receptor progesterone (PR +). Oral hormone treatments, such as tamoxifen, are generally prescribed to reduce the risk of developing invasive breast cancer. Hormone therapy is not always prescribed for women who have had a mastectomy for stage 0 breast cancer.

You may receive trastuzumab (Herceptin) therapy if your breast cancer test is positive for the HER-2 human growth factor.

Stage 1 breast cancer

1A breast cancer stage means the primary tumor is 2 cm or less and the lymph nodes are not affected. In stage 1B, there is no tumor in the breast, or smaller than 2 cm and cancer is found in the axillary lymph nodes. Both are considered early stages of invasive breast cancer. Surgery or adjuvant therapy may be recommended.


Lumpectomy and mastectomy are both options for stage 1 breast cancer. This decision is based on the size and location of the primary tumor, and personal preference. A biopsy of the lymph nodes may be done at the same time. For mastectomy, breast reconstruction can be started at the same time or after additional treatment is complete.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy is often recommended after surgery for stage 1 breast cancer. This may not be necessary for women over 70 years of age, especially if hormone therapy is possible.

Hormone therapy

Hormone therapy can be recommended for receptor-positive breast cancer hormones, regardless of tumor size.


Chemotherapy is not always necessary for breast cancer at an early stage, especially if they can be treated with hormone therapy. Breast cancer that is negative for ER, PR, and HER2 is called triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). Chemotherapy is almost always needed because there is no treatment targeted for TNBC.

Stage 2 breast cancer

In stage 2A the tumor is smaller than 2 cm and has spread to nearby lymph nodes. Or between 2 and 5 cm and has not spread to the lymph nodes. Stage 2B means the tumor is between 2 and 5 cm and has spread to nearby lymph nodes. Or larger than 5 cm and has not spread outside the breast. You may need a combination of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and / or hormone therapy.


Lumpectomy and mastectomy may be good choices depending on the size and location of the tumor. A modified radical mastectomy is removal of the breast including the chest muscles. If you choose reconstruction, the process can begin at the same time or after the cancer treatment is complete.

Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy targets cancer cells left in the chest and / or lymph nodes.


Chemotherapy is a systemic therapy to kill cancer cells throughout the body. Strong drugs are given intravenously for several weeks or months. There are various chemotherapy drugs used to treat breast cancer, including docetaxel (Taxotere), doxorubicin (Adriamycin), and cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan). You may receive a combination of several chemotherapy drugs. Chemotherapy is very important for TNBC.

Hormone therapy

After all other treatments have been completed, you can benefit from further treatment during ER +, PR +, and HER2 +. Oral medications are generally prescribed for five years.

Stage 3 breast cancer

Stage 3A breast cancer means that the cancer has spread to four to nine axillary lymph nodes (armpits), or the presence of internal mammary lymph nodes. Primary tumors can be any size. This can also mean the tumor is larger than 5 cm, and small groups of cancer cells are found in the lymph nodes. Finally, stage 3A can also include a tumor size greater than 5 cm with involvement of 1-3 axillary lymph nodes or chest nodes.

Stage 3B means that breast tumors have invaded the chest wall or skin and may or may have attacked up to nine lymph nodes. Stage 3C means the cancer is found in 10 or more axillary lymph nodes, lymph nodes near the collarbone, or internal mammary glands.

Symptoms of inflammation of breast cancer are different from other types of breast cancer. Diagnosis may be delayed because there is usually no breast lump. By definition, the diagnosis of inflammation of breast cancer is usually in stage 3B or more.

Treatment for stage 3 breast cancer is similar to stage 2. If you have a large primary tumor, your doctor can recommend chemotherapy to reduce it before surgery. If not, chemotherapy will continue after surgery. Hormone therapy will be prescribed if needed. Radiation therapy may be needed before reconstruction begins.

Stage 4 breast cancer

Stage 4 shows that breast cancer has spread to more distant parts of the body. Breast cancer most often spreads to the lungs, brain, liver, or bones. Aggressive systemic therapy is the main treatment. Depending on the type of breast cancer, you may have chemotherapy and one or more targeted therapies. The number and location of the tumor determines your surgical choice.

Clinical trial

Clinical trials are research studies that people use to test new treatments. Ask your oncologist for information about available trials.

Choice of Breast Cancer Treatment Based on the Stadium
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