Risk of Job Stress in a Woman's Heart


Medical Video: Stressful Jobs May Mean Serious Heart Problems Later In Life - HER Daily Dose

Harvard research has found a strong relationship between job stress in women, with heart disease. The findings of the Women's Health Study (WHS) showed that women with stressful jobs had a 40% increased risk of heart disease (including heart attacks and the need for coronary artery surgery), compared with colleagues who did not experience stress. The results, presented at the American Heart Association meeting in 2010, also showed that women who are worried about losing their jobs are more likely to have high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels and obesity.

The researchers use the definition "job strain"Aka stress at work, which combines psychological demands and level of control. "Demands" refers to the number, speed and difficulty of the job. Control means the ability to make decisions about work or creativity at work.

Other evidence

The WHS is not the only source circulating in 2010 about work stress and heart problems in women. A large 15-year study of nurses in Denmark concluded that the greater the work pressure, the greater the risk of heart disease in women aged 51 and under. Research on office workers in Beijing, job strain associated with women with thickening of the wall of the carotid artery, the initial sign of causing cardiovascular disease.

What can you do?

Stress caused by the demands of excessive work and too little control is common in the world of work. Many women have many jobs at the same time, such as taking care of children or parents and working outside the home, without sufficient resources to help all of them. This kind of situation might be unavoidable, and in a competitive world of work, you might feel that there is not much you can do.

However, there are steps you can take, such as:

  • Establish supportive relationships with friends, family, and coworkers.
  • Routine exercise is good for the heart, reduces anxiety and depression, and improves sleep quality
  • Limit disturbances (such as e-mails about work) to life outside of work
  • Practice relaxation techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, or visualization. (Visit www.health.harvard.edu/womenextra.)

If you feel overwhelmed, seek help from a mental health professional.

Why did it happen?

The body is programmed to react to stress that threatens with a response "fight-or-flight", Where the brain will trigger chemicals and hormones that accelerate heart rate and breathing, increase blood pressure, and increase energy levels (sugar) in the muscles. Unfortunately, the body cannot distinguish which danger is dangerous and which causes stress such as financial difficulties, work pressure, and concerns about problems that have not yet arisen. If the response is "fight-or-flight"The body is chronically active, the body will suffer.

It is not clear how stress in the workplace can worsen the heart condition. Stress can aggravate inflammation in the coronary arteries, causing blood clots that trigger a heart attack. Stress can also make it difficult for healthy habits for the heart, such as exercise, a good diet, quitting smoking and getting enough sleep. It is difficult to estimate the risk proportion of a heart attack caused by stress or smoking or lack of exercise.

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Risk of Job Stress in a Woman's Heart
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