Subtotal thyroidectomy


Medical Video: Thyroid lobectomy


What is the thyroid gland?

The thyroid gland is a gland in the neck that produces the thyroxine hormone which plays a role in regulating the body's metabolism. The activity of this gland can become overactive, causing several symptoms, such as weight loss, sweating, and eye problems. This condition is called thyrotoxicosis.

When should I undergo subtotal thyroidectomy?

Subtotal thyroidectomy is an operation that removes the thyroid gland but leaves a small amount of thyroid tissue. This is done to maintain some thyroid function so that thyroid hormone levels produced by the gland can decrease to normal or low levels.

Prevention & warning

What should I know before undergoing subtotal thyroidectomy?

After undergoing lobectomy or subtotal thyroidectomy, you may develop hypothyroidism and have to take thyroid medication for life.

Are there alternatives to surgery?

Medications, such as carbimazole or propylthiouracil, can be used to control thyroid activity. In addition, some people can also use radioactive iodine.


What should I do before undergoing subtotal thyroidectomy?

Thyroid surgery is done in the hospital. You must fast for several hours after surgery until midnight. After arriving at the hospital, you will be prepared to the operating room. Before surgery, the surgeon will do a brief examination and answer any questions you might ask. Besides the surgeon, you will also meet with an anesthetist who will provide anesthesia as needed.

What is the process of subtotal thyroidectomy?

This operation is carried out under general anesthesia and usually takes 90 minutes to two hours. The surgeon will make an incision in the neck on one of the folds of the skin, then remove some or all of the thyroid gland.

What should I do after undergoing subtotal thyroidectomy?

After surgery, you are allowed to go home after one to two days. The wound may recover after two weeks and you can return to work and activity. Regular exercise is also proven to accelerate the healing process. But before deciding to exercise, you should ask for doctor's advice. Usually, you will receive a scheduled visit to the next clinic. The surgeon will discuss the treatment or further treatment that you may need.



What complications can occur?

Each surgical procedure must have its own risks, as well as subtotal thyroidectomy. The surgeon will explain all kinds of risks that may occur after surgery. Common complications that can occur after surgery are the effects of post-anesthesia, excessive bleeding, and infection.

Specific risks of thyroidectomy are rare, but the most common risks are:

● repeated damage to the laryngeal nerve (this nerve is connected to the vocal cords)

● damage to the parathyroid gland (a gland that controls calcium levels in the body)
Low levels of calcium can be easily treated with supplemental intake, but treatment must be started as soon as possible. Make sure you tell your doctor every time you feel nervous or nervous or if the muscles start twitching. These symptoms are a sign of low calcium in the body.

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Subtotal thyroidectomy
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