Watch Out! Excessive Stress and Anxiety Can Make High Blood Pressure


Medical Video: Anxiety : How to Control Blood Pressure & Anxiety

You may have heard the advice of parents who say that stress is the cause of hypertension. While many also claim that negative emotions, such as anger and stress, are a sign that the person has high blood pressure. Then, what does the medical world say about this hereditary advice?

Is it true that stress and anxiety are the cause of hypertension?

Stress makes the brain release stress hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, and norepinephrine which causes an increase in heart rate and widening of blood vessel diameter. As a result, blood pressure increases by 30-40% -although only temporarily.

This tension increase will not last long, because the heart rate, blood vessel diameter, and blood pressure will return to normal after the stress hormone disappears. OEven those with severe anxiety disorders do not necessarily experience chronic hypertension due to their anxiety.

Anxiety does not always have an impact on the risk of hypertension

Anxiety is not the cause of long-term hypertension. Even so, a sudden surge in high blood pressure even if it only lasts for a while remains just as dangerous as chronic high blood pressure. Damage that occurs in blood vessels, heart and kidneys can also occur in different situations.

If you often feel anxious or stressed, for example every day, this will be longcan cause damage to blood vessels, heart, and kidneys, which can trigger chronic high blood pressure later on.

Also, when you have anxiety, chances are you will have other unhealthy habits that can increase your blood pressure, such as msmoking, drinkingalcoholic drinks, and over-sized meals, all of which can contribute to increased blood pressure.

Some medications to treat anxiety and other mental health conditions, such as the SNRI antidepressant drug can also increase your blood pressure.

Change your lifestyle and do treatment to prevent hypertension

To prevent temporary hypertension from becoming chronic, you must control your stress and anxiety as much as possible. Do itsimple things that can make you relax, such as meditating, listening to music, or exercising to release daily fatigue.

Not to forget also, that hypertension can be overcome symptoms and risks by starting a healthy life. Avoid smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and eating healthy foods.

Watch Out! Excessive Stress and Anxiety Can Make High Blood Pressure
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