5 Herbal Plants Proven Effective in Overcoming Hair Loss


Medical Video: 6 Proven Home Remedies for Hair Loss

To maintain the health, thickness and strength of your hair, generally you need a qualified hair treatment. Because, hair loss generally occurs due to age, but it can also be due to other causes such as pregnancy, stress, infection, chemotherapy, and even excess vitamin A can cause hair loss slowly. Various herbs from various herbal plants staying can overcome and reduce some of the causes of hair that starts to fall slowly. What are some herbs to deal with hair loss?

Various herbs that can improve hair loss

1. Chamomile flowers

Jean Valnet, author of "The Practice of Aromatherapy", advises you to rinse your hair using chamomile flower bath water. Use 6-7 yellowish chamomile flowers, then soak in warm water cooled for 20 minutes in a closed container.

This immersion is best used after you wash your hair. Use as rinse water to the scalp and hair shaft. You don't need to rinse it again with water, but just dry it using a towel. The content of anti-inflammatory substances in chamomile flowers can also relieve inflammation or irritation of the scalp.

2. Sage leaves

Sage leaves have long been known as one of the herbal plants for hair loss. To use this sage leaf, you can use 1 tablespoon of dried sage leaves while soaking it in one liter of boiling water. Cool for 30 minutes and stir slowly. Use this cooking water as a daily hair rinse liquid.

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3. Nettle leaves

Did you know that nettle leaves are believed to be herbal plants to deal with hair loss? Yes, hair loss can generally occur because the body lacks minerals, which can have a negative effect on the body. According to "The Encyclopedia of Healing Plants", nettle leaves can be a diuretic drug, which helps the body eliminate toxins that might clog mineral absorption in the body.

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This herbal leaf for hair loss is usually used by soaking it in warm water for several minutes and rinsing it into the hair and scalp. You can also use nettle leaves as an herbal tea, you know. The method is to boil 3 spoons of nettle leaves, separate from the stems. Let stand until warm, then you can add a few teaspoons of honey to enjoy it.

4. Rosemary flower leaves

Rosemary flower leaves are believed to help regulate blood circulation throughout the body. You can try brewing some tea leaves. Drinking rosemary flower tea, can also help restore hair loss due to poor circulation in the scalp.

Meanwhile, "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Healing Remedies", also recommends using rosemary flower soaking water to help regrow hair after chemotherapy. Unfortunately, drinking this boiled rosemary leaf is not recommended for pregnant women. Because rosemary flowers can stimulate menstruation, which is not good to use if you are pregnant.

5. Gingko biloba leaves

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The leaves of ginkgo biloba are plants originating from China. These gingko biloba leaves are fan-shaped and are useful for stimulating blood and oxygen circulation, especially to the brain and nervous system. By supporting the smooth circulation of blood in the body, gingko biloba leaves can also help relieve nervous tension and hair loss caused by stress.

Do not carelessly use herbal ingredients to deal with hair loss

Some herbs for hair loss above are effective. However, sometimes you have to limit its use, especially for pregnant women.

Pregnant women are still allowed to use outside use only, for example, such as being a herbal plant as shampooing water. For use from the inside like being drunk or cooked, it's a good idea to consult your doctor first to prevent the risk to the fetus and health that might occur.

5 Herbal Plants Proven Effective in Overcoming Hair Loss
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