5 Tips to Prevent Wrinkles When Sleeping


Medical Video: 5 Tips to Prevent Wrinkles at Night

Even though wrinkles, fine lines, and folds on the skin are a normal part of the aging process, the wrong sleeping position can cause your face to age faster. How come?

Sleeping sideways or prone to cause wrinkles during sleep

Sleeping in a position so that your face is attached to a pillowcase, such as lying on your side or on your stomach, can cause the formation of fine lines on your forehead or cheeks.

Wrinkles and fine lines are caused by loss of collagen and elasticity, which reduces the volume of the skin. However, giving repeated pressure (such as sleeping sideways) or moving facial muscles (laughing or sullen, for example) will accelerate collagen damage, which eventually leads to fine lines on the face.

The friction strength from contact with the pillow causes the facial skin to be attracted and pushed. Therefore, muscle paralysis procedures such as Botox that work effectively on wrinkles due to facial expressions will not work optimally for wrinkles to sleep. Sleep wrinkles will quickly disappear on younger skin, but ultimately wrinkles will become permanent due to consistent pressure when you sleep and reduced skin elasticity from the aging process.

Overcoming fine lines and wrinkles due to improper sleeping position is a big challenge, because the only real way to avoid it is not to sleep on your side or on your stomach. Changing subconscious sleep habits can be very difficult, but don't give up!

Here are some ways to improve the quality of your sleep routine to prevent wrinkles as much as possible.

1. Sleep with a clean face

Always wash your face before going to bed to remove piles of oil, dirt, sweat and makeup. Sleeping without cleaning all the remaining dust and dirt not only causes clogged pores, but also prevents new skin cells from appearing on the surface.

2. Apply night cream

Facial moisturizers specifically designed for use at night can help skin rejuvenate and repair damage. As you age, collagen production will slow down. Adult kullit also has less oil content which can cause dry skin, so wrinkles and fine lines will become increasingly apparent.

Choose a night cream product that contains hyaluronic acid, which helps to tighten and tighten the skin, and retinol to rejuvenate the skin by encouraging collagen production which can prevent wrinkles.

3. Take vitamins

Vitamins A, C, B complex, and E help ensure the appearance of healthy, fresh and youthful skin.

4. Smart select pillows

Now there are many beauty pillows that are designed with special shapes to prevent facial distortion. The good news, this type of pillow you can use to sleep on your back or sideways.

If you prefer to sleep sideways, choose a pillowcase that can reduce physical stress on your face. Made from satin or silk, for example. A very smooth suera or satin material can reduce the possibility of developing folds on your facial skin.

"With a silk pillowcase, your skin will slide on the pillow," said Debra Jaliman, a dermatologist from New York, quoted from Health. That way, the chances of traction will be lower and your face will not rub the pillowcase crumpled while sleeping, unlike cotton pillowcases.

5. Change sleeping position

Sleeping on your stomach or sideways means you put consistent pressure on your face. Over time, this habit will produce unwanted sleep wrinkles. You can work around this by sleeping on your back. With this sleeping position, you will not put any pressure on your face.

Sleeping on your back may not be comfortable for some people, and you can't control your subconscious movements while you sleep, which makes you go back to sleep sideways or on your stomach. But, you can train it:

  1. Sleep on your back. Place an extra pillow on your knee to keep you in this position during sleep.
  2. Put a large pillow on one side of the body, and concentrate your body weight on that side as much as you can. Use this pillow as a shoulder and partial support for your chest, and 'throw' your feet and hips on the pillow. This position will make your head slightly away from your sleeping pillow and remove a lot of pressure from the face.

Also, sleeping on your back will also help you straighten your back. However, it should be noted that some people have certain medical problems, such as sleep apnea, gastric reflux, neck and back problems, and pregnant women should not sleep on their backs.


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5 Tips to Prevent Wrinkles When Sleeping
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