6 Most Common Causes of Dry Skin, Not Just Hot Weather


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For those of you who have dry skin types, you may often complain of itchy, cracked, and easily peeled skin problems. This condition can occur in any part of the body, but often in the face, legs, hands and stomach area. Although not dangerous, this one skin problem still interferes with appearance. Before looking for a solution, it's a good idea to find out the following causes of dry skin.

What are the causes of dry skin?

Here are the causes of dry skin that might occur to you.

1. Lack of drinking water

drink water

Try checking again, how much water have you been drinking today? If it's less than 8 glasses per day, then this is the cause of dry skin that you may experience.

The body needs enough fluid to keep the skin moist. The less water you drink, the more dry your skin will be.

Especially for those of you who are over 40 years old, skin elasticity will decrease so that the skin becomes thinner and drier.

2. Hot temperatures

causes of dehydration

Prolonged exposure to hot temperatures is the most common cause of dry skin. This is not only because of the time of sunbathing or activities in the hot sun, but also includes exposure to heat from the stove, heating, or even a hot shower.

Hot and dry temperatures can vaporize the fluid in the skin, making it dehydrated. Especially if this is not immediately overcome by drinking lots of water, then your skin will obviously become more dry.

3. Incorrect use of soap

bath soap damages the skin

The soap you usually use turns out to be the mastermind behind the cause of dry skin, you know. Look at the packaging, does it contain surfactant or not?

Most soaps contain surfactants, which are hard-class chemical compounds that have an alkaline pH. Although it can cleanse the skin, the content of this surfactant can also remove natural oils in the skin. So said Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of cosmetics and clinical research in the field of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital, to Reader's Digest.

4. Frequency of hand washing

antiseptic hand washing soap

Hand washing habits are good for killing germs and preventing cross contamination. But if done too often, the skin's natural oils will wear off and make your hands feel dry.

5. Acne and retinol drugs

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Although it is powerful enough to deal with zits, creams or ointments containing retinol, glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and benzoyl peroxide can make your skin dry and flaking.

These chemicals work by killing the bacteria that cause acne, but at the same time also remove excess oil on the skin. So, it's only natural that your face tends to dry and peel.

6. Skin diseases

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The cause of dry skin in adults often begins with eczema that develops at the age of children. In addition, other skin diseases such as psoriasis also have the same effect.

6 Most Common Causes of Dry Skin, Not Just Hot Weather
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