7 Simple Ways to Reduce Facial Pores


Medical Video: Try THIS for 7 Days & Get Rid Of Large Open Pores Permanently | Anaysa

Have you ever wished your pores were not visible? Large pores, black spots on the nose, chin, and forehead are very disturbing. Various ways to shrink pores are actively carried out by many people of various ages to achieve the appearance of a clean, smooth dream face.

In fact, the pores cannot be completely removed because we still need pores to balance the body's overall functions. Dirt that clogs pores is the body's natural reaction to remove toxins from the body.

However, do not also allow the old pores to clog up to cause spots on the face. No effort is needed to drain energy and wallet, here are a number of ways to reduce pores on the face that you can do.

Various ways to shrink facial pores

1. Exfoliate

Exfoliation or exfoliation is the main key to a facial treatment routine to ward off all kinds of skin problems, including large pores. When choosing a product exfoliator, look for products with a texture like sand and soft granules. This type of product can reach pores and reduce oil so that the pores will not grow or blacken. The use of soft products on the skin can remove dead skin cells and dirt.

Although exfoliation is good for dealing with skin problems, this method should not be done every day. Just one to two times a week or just a few times a month.

2. Store skin care products in the refrigerator

Cold temperatures cause the body to constrict. Don't panic first. Shrinking of the skin is caused by constricted blood vessels, so the size of your pores also shrinks. Well, you can saveliquid moisturizing and makeup products in the refrigerator to keep the sensation of cold on the face longer.

3. Let the pores breathe

Routinely use soap, moisturizer, and foundation the weight on the skin will leave more oil remaining, causing the pore to become more inflamed and enlarged. Try not to use makeup while relaxing on weekends or when you are at home all day long.

Removing makeup is not only done every night with a facial cleanser. You also have to wash your face first before exercising so that the rest of the day's makeup does not clog the pores when the body sweats. Provides the opportunity for pores to breathe without being blocked foundation or moisturizing cream will help the skin remove dirt naturally.

4. Use sunscreen

Exposure to UVA and UVB radiation from the sun will cause skin damage which not only increases the risk of long-term cancer and wrinkles, but also dries the skin and makes your pores look bigger. The use of sunscreen at least 15 minutes before moving outdoors can help prevent the risk of damage. Choose sunscreen products with SPF of at least 30.

5. Choose the right cleanser

If you have large pores and oily skin, look for gel-based facial cleansers. While if you have a normal skin type that tends to dry, you can use a cleanser in the form of a cream.

No matter what type of skin you have, avoid cleaners that contain soap or scrub. Because the two ingredients actually make your pores look bigger and bigger.

6. Don't sleep with makeup

Are you one of the people who is lazy to clean makeup and choose to quickly sleep after a day of activities? Sleeping with makeup that has not been cleaned can accumulate dirt, oil, and bacteria, causing your pores to become clogged. This will then make your pores look bigger in the morning when you wake up.

Therefore, it is very important to always wash your face and clean your makeup until it is completely clean, no matter how tired you are after a day of activities.

7. Consult a dermatologist

If the various treatments mentioned above do not also help shrink your pores, consult a dermatologist is the best choice. Skin specialists can recommend certain procedures to help you deal with large pores, such as microneedling and lasers.

If your acne causes enlarged pores, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or retinoid drugs to help cleanse your skin.

7 Simple Ways to Reduce Facial Pores
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