Be Careful, Drinking Habits of Alcohol Can Make Acne Pimples


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Acne skin is common to anyone and can be caused by various things. But did you know if the habit of drinking alcohol turns out to be one of the causes? Either it triggers pimples or worsens the condition of zits. Is that right? Come on, find out the answer in the following review.

The habit of drinking alcohol may make the skin break out

The onset of acne can be caused by bacteria or dirt that clogs the pores of the skin. Not only that, having a certain lifestyle can also cause you to be more vulnerable to this condition, for example the habit of drinking alcohol.

Reporting from Health Line, until now research has not found a definite relationship between alcohol and bacteria that cause acne. But alcohol indirectly affects the immune system and the hormones associated with acne.

The following are the things that cause alcohol to make skin breakouts, such as:

1. Alcohol affects the immune system

The immune system keeps you from dangerous bacterial or viral infections. As the main protector, there are cytokines which are proteins produced by protective cells that keep you awake from disease or inflammation.

Eating alcohol can reduce or even destroy protective cells in the body. This can weaken the immune system and make you vulnerable to infection.

Weakening the immune system can facilitate the development of bacteria Propionibacterium acnes (P.acnes) in the pores of the skin causing acne.

2. Alcohol affects hormones

In addition, alcohol can also affect testosterone and estrogen levels in the body so it becomes unbalanced. A study shows that alcohol increases levels of estradiol, which is one form of the hormone estrogen that stimulates the production of oil glands.

Increased production of sebum from the oil glands is more than necessary, can clog the pores. Blockage of sebum in the pores is one of the causes of acne.

3. Alcohol triggers inflammation

There are many forms of acne due to inflammation, such as papules (small hard spots on the skin), pustules (pus-filled skin bubbles), or nodules (large and red pimples). Most of these conditions are caused by an increase in hormones or food and drink containing high sugar levels, such as alcohol.

4. Alcohol causes dry skin

Healthy skin is a well-hydrated skin so that the amount of natural oil remains balanced, there are no dead skin cells and also poisons. Well, while the habit of consuming alcohol can actually cause dehydration because of increased urine production.

Of course this will have an effect on the moisture of the skin, as a result the skin will dry out. This condition triggers the body to produce more oil and increases the risk of your skin having acne.

5. Alcohol and stress

Alcohol is depressant, which works to relax or reduce the activity of the central nervous system. In terms of skin health, alcohol affects the way oxygen and other nutrients move through the skin.

This condition can trigger oxidation stress, where the amount of free radicals in the body exceeds the normal limit causing damage to the body.

6. Alcohol interferes with liver function

Liver organs play an important role in removing harmful toxins from the body, regulating the amount of hormones, and helping to maintain blood sugar levels. Alcohol is hepatotoxic, which is giving side effects of damage to cells or liver tissue and surrounding areas.

If the liver does not function properly, the body's toxins will accumulate in all parts, including the skin. This can then make your skin break out.

Be Careful, Drinking Habits of Alcohol Can Make Acne Pimples
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