How to Get Rid of Black Spots Acne Scars on the Face


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Black spots are the result of acne that has traumatized inflammation of the skin. This was explained by Dr. David E. Bank, a skin and beauty specialist from New York Hospital in the United States (US). Because of the inflammation, the skin will produce excessive melanin which causes hyperpigmentation. This hyperpigmentation causes black spots or blemishes on the face.

Sometimes black spots appear also due to exposure to sunlight, air pollution, the impact of the use of cosmetics, and can even be due to heredity (genetic). Then how to effectively eliminate black spots on the face that are stubborn?

Various ways to remove black spots on the face

1. Use a serum or cream made from hydroquinone

How to get rid of black spots on the face of this one may have been done a lot. Yes, the use of a cream or serum based on hydroquinone is powerful enough to disguise black spots around the face.

However, the Food and Drug Administration in the US limits the use of this hydroquinone-based cream. Because the cream is similar to facial whitening agents, which can be dangerous if used in large quantities. Although it is considered safe for the use of cosmetic products, hydroquinone which is used in large quantities is believed to trigger the growth of cancer cells. However, the issue of cancer still needs further investigation.

2. Use retinol

In addition to using hydroquinone cream, the use of retinol is also widely used as a way to remove black spots on the face of acne scars. Creams or serum retinol contain ingredients such as alpha-hydroxy acid and retinoic acid. Both of these ingredients function to increase cell production in the skin, accelerate exfoliation of the skin, and support the growth of new, healthier skin.

However, there is something that needs attention. The use of retinol can make facial skin dry and sensitive to sunlight. If you use retinol, it's good to make sure that your face is covered with sunscreen (sunblock) so that black spots on the face can quickly disappear without side effects.

3. Laser black spots

Apart from the use of cream, you can try other alternatives with black spots on the face laser. This laser method targets light to remove skin layers one by one until the black spots fade. Unfortunately, there are some of the following side effects that might appear when doing a laser.

  • Bruising and redness
  • Swollen face
  • Scarring (keloid) appears
  • Infection
  • Changes in skin texture

4. Microdermabrasion

Microdermabrasion is one way to reduce the presence of black spots. Done by removing dead skin cells using vacuum microdermabrasion. This method also serves to brighten the skin, fade acne scars, and smooth the skin.

This treatment can generally only be done by a specialist and should not be done too often, because it will thin the skin layer slowly.

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Prevent the appearance of black spots early

To prevent black spots from appearing on your face, it's a good idea to avoid direct exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun. Especially above 10am. Use an umbrella or hat if you leave the house. Don't forget to use the right sunscreen to protect the skin. use sunscreen with an SPF 30 content for daily activities. Use it repeatedly within a few hours.

To use black spots remover cream, it is also advisable to pick and choose products for your face. Because there are now promising beauty creams that can overcome acne, smooth, tighten, and whiten the skin. Remember, there is no multipurpose face cream that can solve all skin problems.

How to Get Rid of Black Spots Acne Scars on the Face
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