Is it true that Vitamin C can make skin tone brighter?


Medical Video: Skin Whitening Tablet / Make Skin Brighter With Help Of Vitamin C / Celin Tablet True Review / Hindi

Vitamin C is known as one of the nutrients that are important for health, as well as for the skin. At present, there are more advertised products that contain vitamin C that help protect, rejuvenate, and especially whiten the skin. However, does vitamin C really work as well as that? This article will provide more information about using vitamin C.

Benefits of vitamin C on our skin

Vitamin C helps maintain beauty and improves blood circulation. This vitamin removes active oxygen and prevents skin aging, and disguises black and brown spots on the skin. Vitamin C also reduces the production of melanin and prevents tyrosinase enzymes. This means limiting the metabolism of melanin and preventing the formation and desecration of melanin.

Vitamin C will help the skin fight free radicals which cause the skin to age and darken. In addition, this vitamin also helps increase the amount of glutathione and vitamin E in the body. Both of these substances are also known as antioxidants. Glutathione also helps the skin produce pheomelanin instead of eumelanin. As a result, your skin will become brighter.

Vitamin C helps heal wounds or reshape the skin after acne, supports collagen, forms elasticity and firmness to the skin, and increases sebum secretion, small pores.

When you are deficient in vitamin C, you will be prone to skin problems. Examples are pitted horn, skin prone to bruising, bleeding, and reduced ability to scar.

Can vitamin C whiten the skin?

You need to understand the skin to understand the mechanism of action of vitamin C. The structure of the skin consists of three layers: epithelium, mesoderm, hypodermis. The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin, which consists of four main layers: the outer surface called horn cells, the malphigi layer, the spinosum layer, and the basal layer. In this basal layer melanin is produced, which is the cause of the formation of dark circles.

Vitamin C works to prevent the formation and desecration of melanin. However, vitamin C must be inserted deep into the bottom of the epithelium to work effectively.

How do you add vitamin C to the skin?

1. Apply vitamin C directly to the skin

You must choose products that contain high concentrations of vitamin C and a stable form with a medium pH because a high pH will cause skin irritation. In addition, the disadvantage of this method is that vitamin C only affects the surface of the skin, does not absorb into the pores of the skin, and is easily broken down.

2. Supply vitamin C from food

Vitamin C is commonly found in fruits and vegetables. This method has been used widely and is safe, but must be used regularly for a long time to get the best effect.

3. Inject vitamin C directly into the skin

This method is more dangerous because it can easily cause shock. If you experience shock or vitamin poisoning, this can be very worrying because vitamin C is the most dangerous vitamin toxin than other poisoning shock.

4. Take vitamin C supplements

Vitamin C is very easy to interact with other substances, especially not having a local effect on the skin that must be treated. This method is comfortable and effective.

All things have two aspects. You also should not abuse vitamin C to prevent other conditions such as stomach problems. Hopefully, you can use vitamin C for the best effect.

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Is it true that Vitamin C can make skin tone brighter?
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