Why Did My Filler Injections Fail?


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Injection filler is one of the beauty care procedures for removing wrinkles and fine lines on the face, also removing black eye bags. Filler can also be used to strengthen and beautify the shape of the lips to make it look more attractive. This procedure is quite simple and has minimal side effects.However, there are some things that can make injections filler failed, you know! What are they?

Things that can make injections filler failed

1. Too much injection filler

Filler injections are done by injecting a special gel, generally a liquid hyaluronic acid (AH), into the skin of a problematic body part. Many think,more fluid filler injected into the face the better the results. Even though it isn't.

The results of one injection are initially not very obvious. That's why injecting fillers can be done repeatedly to help you get maximum results.

However, that does not mean you have to insist get high-dose injections so you don't have to spend a lot of money and time on injections. AH fluid that is injected in high doses at one time is at high risk of making injections filler failed.

If you use hyaluronic acid, you can use "bidder" to break the excessfiller which has been injected into the body. But unfortunately, this bidder will affect allfillerwho have been injected. So, you have to repeat from the beginning and the money you have spent is wasted.

While forfiller other types such as Sculptra and Radiesse, there are no bidders who can "erase" errors if you get excessive doses. But don't worry, because in the end the injected area will return to normal. It's just that this will take a long time so you need to be patient.

Ideally, you should give a 1-2 month pause after the injection first before repeating it.

2. Injection in an illegal place

Because of the injection trend filler lately it's increasingly rising thanks to the influence of famous Hollywood celebrities, Kylie Jenner, now more and more beauty places that offer lip or face filler services.

If you are interested try it, make sure the placefiller You are authentic certified and supported by workers who are experts in their fields to avoid the risk of failed filler injections or even malpractice.

It's good to visit the hospital to get a reference to a cosmetic surgeon who can deal with problems on your face.

You also need to be vigilant if your doctor or beauty therapist recommends that you follow other methods related to your face. this can be one way to do so you become injectable dependence filler or other facial treatments.

Why Did My Filler Injections Fail?
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