What should I know about caring for a 30-month-old child?


Medical Video: How to care for your newborn baby

Development & Behavior

How should my child develop on the 30th month?

You can never predict the behavior of your child at this age. For example, a child who has gone to sleep suddenly jumps up from sleep at 3:00 a.m. Or children who are always obedient become angry, stubborn and out of control. And children who have learned toilet training suddenly urinate carelessly.

Your preschooler has extraordinary eyes and ears because he learns many new things and experiences, he is accustomed to sounds, colors, sizes and movements that you might not be familiar with. Don't be surprised if you hear him follow the "meow cat" or "my favorite blue shoe."

You will immediately see some changes to the scribbled posts. When a toddler learns first to write on paper (about 12-15 months), he can only hold a crayon and he can start making straight lines and any curved lines, with the wrist moving the most. Around the age of 2.5 years, his fingers develop more skillfully. Now he can hold the crayon between his thumb and other fingers. This makes it more controlled and can draw several shapes on paper: scarecrows, trees, houses.

How can I help my child develop on the 30th month?

Hold your laughter if he spells or makes a mistake. Instead of correcting his mistakes, it is better to recite the word in the right way without emphasizing that he is wrong. Then immediately write in your notebook so you never forget the word.

You might study with a disciplined strategy. But there is one thing you can never do: do not take his favorite items such as bears, dolls, favorite blankets, or other favorite objects as punishment. Favorite items are a symbol of your strength and a source of comfort for your child. No matter how angry you are or what kind of lesson you want to teach, you don't want to disturb your welfare center.

Give your child plenty of opportunities to use art. Prepare various types: large crayons, large pencils and colored pencils, non-permanent markers, road chalk, watercolors, clay, and so on. Don't overestimate the type of art; this is the way your child focuses.

Health & Safety

What should I discuss with the doctor on the 30th month?

You must not compare your child with friends because each child grows differently. If he keeps learning new words, skills and concepts regularly, your child is fine. But if he looks choked up or has a setback in some ways, talk to your doctor about whether it is necessary to intervene, the faster the better.

What should I know on month 30?

Take your child to the doctor now if you have anxiety about abnormal signs. Perform a blood test for the risk of anemia and lead poisoning.

My attention

What should I pay attention to in the 30th month?

Your little one should be able to walk, run, and climb now, but there is a large range associated with gross and fine motor skills. For example, at this age, some children can stand balanced on one leg, jump forward, and throw the ball. If your child can't do all these things, this is not a problem. But consult a doctor if he still cannot coordinate his movements for simple activities such as stacking toy blocks or if he often falls (especially at 3 years of age).

How does your child grow at the age of 31 months?

What should I know about caring for a 30-month-old child?
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