Is it true that the Zika Virus Causes Fetal Disorders?


Medical Video: Zika Virus and Birth Defects

In 2015, the world was shocked by the outbreak of the zika virus. Originally detected detected in Bahia, Brazil in March 2015, the virus continues to spread and is estimated to have infected around 14 states in Brazil. The Brazilian health minister estimates that there are 1.3 million cases of zika virus reported up to December 2015. In the same month, the zika outbreak was estimated to have infected 33 countries on the American continent.

The zika virus itself is not a new disease. This virus was first discovered in Nigeria in 1953, and first attacked ASEAN, including Indonesia in the 2012-2014 period. In 2016, Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology found one case of zika in Indonesia, and it is suspected that this virus seems to have spread "for a while" in Indonesia.

The zika virus is transmitted by mosquitoes Aedes aegypti in the tropics, the mosquitoes that we know are transmitters of dengue fever. This mosquito is active during the day and can live indoors or outdoors. Some reports state that zika can be transmitted from mother to fetus, or through sexual intercourse.

What symptoms do I feel if I get zika infection?

Only 1 in 5 people infected with Zika show symptoms, including: fever, red spots, headache, joint pain, muscle pain, headache, weakness, and inflammation of the conjunctiva. In some cases zika reported neurological disorders and autoimmune complications. To further ensure the diagnosis, laboratory tests in the form of RT-PCR & antibody tests are needed.

Who is at risk for zika infection?

Pregnant women or anyone who lives or travels to an area with zika infection, and people who live in tropical areas where Aedes aegypti is found, have a high risk of infection. Similarly, people who have sex with a partner infected with zika.

Why is there no cure for zika infection?

Until now there was no specific treatment for zika, this was because zika infection was initially considered not severe and few cases were reported. Current treatments are still focused on managing the symptoms that are felt, other things that can be done by sufferers include:

  • Get enough rest.
  • Consume enough water to prevent dehydration.
  • Take medications that can reduce fever or pain, but avoid taking aspirin or NSAID drugs (non stereoid anti inflammation).
  • Immediately seek treatment at the nearest health center.

I was pregnant and infected with zika, what should I do?

Although the relationship between the incidence of microcephalus and zika infection has not been proven, recent studies have suggested a strong link in that direction. Periodic ultrasound examinations are more often recommended for pregnant women, for early detection of microcephalus in the fetus, the presence of hydrocephalus is often difficult to detect until the second trimester of pregnancy.

I'm not pregnant, why should I care?

Zika infection can heal on its own without medical treatment. However, the bad effects of zika are most felt by pregnant women, because it is related to the fetus. However, in some cases, zika can cause neurological diseases and autoimmune diseases such as syndrome Guillane Bare. Therefore, it is important for all of us to prevent this outbreak of the zika virus.

What should I do to avoid being infected?

Prevent mosquito bites Aedes aegypti is the main principle of prevention of zika. It sounds simple, but in fact on the ground it's sometimes difficult to do. Here are the things we can do:

  • Doing 3M Plus (draining and closing water reservoirs, and utilizing or recycling used goods) plus sowing larvicidal powder, using mosquito nets while sleeping, using insect repellent or lotion mosquito repellent.
  • Conducting larvae supervision through the program of the One Juru Pengentik (Jumantik) One House Hunter Movement
  • Increase endurance through clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS) such as regular exercise, adequate nutritional intake, etc.
  • Pregnant women are expected to be more careful, and consult a doctor first if they want to travel to a place where there is a zika case.


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Is it true that the Zika Virus Causes Fetal Disorders?
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