Pregnancy Development on Week 19


Medical Video: 19 Weeks Pregnant - 19 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms - Pregnancy Week by Week

Embryo growth

What is the development of a 19-week pregnancy?

In the development of the fetus 19 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is larger than the size of a lemon weighing about 240 grams and about 15 centimeters long from head to toe.

In the development of a 19-week fetus, fine hairs have begun to grow and form. Facial contour hairs, such as eyebrows and eyelashes, also begin to grow. The baby's kidneys also function properly to produce urine.

Nerve development peaked this week. Some nerves such as smell, taste, hearing, touch, and vision have developed in the fetal brain. A waxy protective layer called vernix caseosa also begins to form on the baby's skin to protect the skin from amniotic fluid.

Changes in the Body

What are the changes in the body of a pregnant woman on week 19?

In the development of a 19-week fetus, your child will be more active and you will feel it more often. Maybe some movements will take place quickly and you don't realize that this is because of the little one doing it in the stomach.

However, you can feel several other movements such as kicks and punches. The intensity and frequency of fetal movements will vary, but if you feel the little one's movements are decreasing every day, immediately consult a doctor.

Maintain a pregnancy that runs 19 weeks

There is not enough scientific evidence to prove that pregnancy can interfere with memory or memory. So, the assumption that pregnancy can affect a mother's memory is not right.

If this is your first pregnancy, be prepared to experience changes both physically and emotionally. Don't worry about pregnancy myths that actually haven't been scientifically proven. Don't hesitate to consult a doctor if you have questions or fears about your pregnancy.

Visit to Doctor / Midwife

What do I need to discuss with the doctor on week 19?

In the development of a 19-week fetus, you might feel your child is very active in one day but there is no movement the next day. If this happens, don't worry first. This naturally happens, the most important thing is that you can still feel the little one's movements even though occasionally. Usually baby movements tend to be more consistent when the pregnancy is 28 weeks old.

Even though baby movements are still not regular, you can do simple stimulation for him. This can be done by lying in one or two hours at night after drinking a glass of milk, a cup of orange juice, or eating a healthy snack. This activity can often stimulate your child to move immediately. But if this method doesn't work, don't worry, try again after a few hours.

Indeed, many women suddenly do not feel the baby's movements for one to two days, or even three to four days at the time of pregnancy. If you are still worried, see a doctor to feel safer.

Tests that may be needed to support fetal development 19 Sunday

If you have not done an amniocentesis test, your doctor can recommend this test. Amniocentesis is done for certain reasons, but this test is not a routine examination.

The amniocentesis test is done by taking a sample of the amniotic fluid from the sac surrounding the baby. This sample is then tested to see whether the baby has certain genetic disorders or not, such as Down syndrome. There may be some risks if you do this test. Please discuss with your doctor what is the best choice for you

Safety and security

What do I need to know to maintain health and safety during pregnancy?

1. Sex

Are you one of those who is worried that pregnancy will inhibit sexual activity with your partner?Do not worry! Sex is safe at all stages of pregnancy, during pregnancy you do not experience special cases that require attention.

However, know that even though sex when pregnant is safe, it does not mean that you can do it every day. Your sexual activity will greatly depend on your health status, psychological, gestational age, and other changes in your body.

Talk to your partner if you feel a problem has occurred. Even though throughout the day you keep thinking about your child's development, it is very important to have intimate time with your husband.

2. Cow's milk contains BST hormones

You must be careful when you want to drink milk during pregnancy. Especially milk containing BST hormones. BST itself is protein, not steroid, so it does not have biological activity in humans and is only digested like other proteins when you drink milk containing BST. Cows are usually injected with BST to produce more milk. Please consult a doctor for more information.

So next week what kind of fetus will it grow?

Pregnancy Development on Week 19
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