Pregnancy Development on Week 20


Medical Video: Halfway There! All Things 20-Week Ultrasound

Embryo growth

How is my baby growing?

At the age of fetal development 20 weeks of pregnancy, the possibility of a fetus has the size of a banana, with a length of about 25 cm from head to heel and weighs about 315 grams.

Because the bigger, the fetus will spend a lot of space in the fetus, so it can cause pressure on your lungs, stomach, bladder and kidneys.

At the age of fetal development 20 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's skin will begin to thicken and develop. Baby's hair and nails in the womb will also continue to grow.

Changes in the Body

What are the changes in the body of a pregnant woman at week 20?

In the development of the fetus at 20 weeks' gestation, your doctor will perform an ultrasound test (ultrasonography) using sound waves to determine the condition of the fetus in your stomach.

Ultrasound can determine the size and position of the fetus, and see bone and organ abnormalities. Depending on the position of the fetus, you may be able to find out the sex of the baby in fetal development at 20 weeks' gestation. In addition to ultrasound tests, umbilical cord, placenta and amniotic fluid can also be examined. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of this test.

What should I pay attention to?

At the age of fetal development 20 weeks of pregnancy, pregnant women should begin to consider whether you will be storing umbilical cord blood. This is a procedure where the blood on the umbilical cord is taken from the baby's umbilical cord immediately after birth and stored for future use in stem cell transplantation. There are two main ways to store this cord blood:

  • General way: umbilical cord is stored in public storage. The umbilical cord can be used to store blood and can be used when needing treatment.
  • Personal way: A dried umbilical cord is stored in a house inside a place.

Visit to Doctor / Midwife

What should I discuss with the doctor?

Ultrasound examination in the second trimester of pregnancy is useful to ensure that the fetus is fine. Ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy usually lasts longer, not only for the doctor to know the overall health status of your baby and pregnancy, but also for you to see your baby in the stomach. If you are worried about this ultrasound, talk to your doctor for advice and clarify the issues you are worried about.

What tests should I know?

At this time, you will take an amniocentesis test, if you have decided to take this test, yes. Amniocentesis is carried out for certain reasons (not routine tests), tend to be done in pregnant women who are at risk of giving birth to babies with birth defects such as Down Syndrome example.

It is important to discuss the benefits, risks and limitations of this test with your doctor. In amniocentesis test, a sample of amniotic fluid is taken from the position around the baby. This sample will be tested to see whether the baby has a genetic disorder or not, such as Down syndrome.

Health and Safety

What do I need to know to maintain health and safety during pregnancy?

Eat organic or inorganic food?

To support the development of the fetus at 20 weeks' gestation, maybe pregnant women are a little confused to choose the type of food that must be consumed. Organic products are better for the health of mothers and babies in the womb. Although actually, the nutritional content of organic food with ordinary food is not so far away. So, just adjust it to your needs.

However, it is possible that pesticide residues are left in foods that are not organic, but can be overcome by washing, peeling or cooking properly. However, the most important during the development of the fetus 20 weeks of pregnancy is to eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

Stand for a long time

It is recommended not to stand a lot during the development of the fetus at 20 weeks' gestation. Standing is not a big problem if you do it while walking, not just standing still.

Standing for long periods of time tends to reduce blood pressure, and during pregnancy can cause problems in the body of pregnant women and the fetus. If your blood pressure drops, you may risk delirium and even potential fainted. You can counteract this risk by just taking a short walk, not to get tired.

So next week what kind of fetus will it grow?

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Pregnancy Development on Week 20
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