Pregnancy Development on Week 23


Medical Video: 23 Weeks Pregnant: Watch the Movements of Your Baby

Embryo growth

How is my baby growing?

In the fetal development period of 23 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the baby is about the size of a mango. Then the fetus weighs about 453 grams with a length of 27.9 cm.

At this gestational age, a layer of fat has begun to exist in the fetus's body. In addition, the baby will also be 'sports' more often in your stomach, moving your fingers, toes, arms and legs. So, don't be surprised if you will feel more often from the stomach.

The possibility of premature birth at gestational age is also possible. When babyprematurely born this week, generally can survive with intense medical care from a doctor.

However, the baby may also experience mild to severe birth defects. With increasing research and knowledge in the field of fetal medicine, it is expected that premature infant cases will gradually decrease every year.

Changes in the Body

What are the changes in the body of pregnant women at week 23?

In the development of the fetus 23 weeks of pregnancy, pregnant women are generally more difficult to sleep. Anxiety is felt sometimes resulting in frequent urination, stomach ulcers, pain in the legs, and feelings of discomfort can turn into a sleep disorder at night. However, obstetrical health still depends on the adequacy or absence of rest for pregnant women.

So, try to make yourself pregnant women relax, so that feeling nervous and anxious at week 23 of this pregnancy can slowly subside. Before going to sleep, pregnant women can take a warm bath, be able to listen to soothing music, relax by reading a book while drinking a cup of warm tea. This helps pregnant women find it easier to sleep.

Many doctors recommend that pregnant women sleep on their left side, so that blood flow to the placenta will not be restricted. If you feel this position is uncomfortable, try placing a pillow under your knees to reduce pressure from weight while lying on one side.

What should I pay attention to?

During the 23 weeks of fetal development, pregnant women may experience leg cramps at night. This condition of leg cramps can cause the mother to wake up in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, cramps around the calf at night are very common in the 6th month of pregnancy and it is not yet known what causes this leg cramps.

Whatever the cause, you can apply these tips to help prevent and overcome them:

  • When a cramping attack occurs, make sure your legs are straight and bend your ankles inward. This action will immediately reduce pain
  • Try to practice flexibility in the body, this can help prevent cramps in pregnant women
  • To reduce the pressure on your feet, position your feet up as often as possible and rest between your activities on a regular basis. You can also wear pregnant stockings during the day. Don't forget to bend your legs regularly.
  • Try to stand on a cold surface, this can sometimes prevent cramps
  • You can massage or warm compress to reduce pain, but do not massage or warm compress if you have tried the method of bending the legs
  • Make sure pregnant women drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

Visit to Doctor / Midwife

What should I discuss with the doctor?

During the 23 weeks of fetal development, symptoms preeclampsia, weight gain, decreased appetite, and swollen hands and face can occur.

In addition, headaches without cause, abdominal pain and esophageal pain, disorders of itching and vision can also occur. If you experience these symptoms, contact your doctor. If these symptoms do not appear and you often do a health check, then you have no reason to worry about preeclampsia.

What tests should I know?

During the development of the fetus 23 weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will examine the following:

  • measure body weight and blood pressure
  • check urine for glucose and protein levels
  • check fetal heart rate
  • measure the size of the uterus with external palpation (touching from the outside) to see how it correlates with the date of birth
  • height of the lower position (top of the uterus) or fundal height
  • check the swelling of the hands and feet, check for varicose veins in the legs
  • your symptoms, especially abnormal symptoms

Prepare a list of questions or problems that you want to discuss with your doctor.

Health and Safety

What do I need to know to maintain health and safety during pregnancy?

Pay attention to foods eaten during pregnancy

Foods such as sausages, smoked meat and other processed meats sometimes have harmful types of bacteria and microorganisms that can only be destroyed when cooked at high temperatures. So when you are pregnant, it would be wise to eat this food if only they have been cooked until cooked.

Pregnant women are susceptible to disease during pregnancy, because at this time the immune system will change. In addition, bacteria or viruses in the mother's body can cross the placenta and attack the baby because the baby's immune system is not enough to fight disease.

If you feel numbness or tension in your fingers, maybe pregnant women experience symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The condition of carpal tunnel syndrome may be more common at night. Hitting sick hands makes your problems worse, so try to put your head on the pillow at bedtime and you.

When numbness occurs, shake your hands to reduce numbness. If this is ineffective and numb makes you unable to sleep, please discuss with your doctor. Taking acupuncture can reduce the pain in your fingers or feet that hurt during pregnancy.

So next week what kind of fetus will it grow?

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Pregnancy Development on Week 23
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