3 Ways to Succeed in Pregnancy Despite Having Endometriosis


Medical Video: Endometriosis | Q&A with Dr. Patzkowsky

For those of you who suffer from endometriosis, you may feel anxious if you can't get pregnant. The good news is that you still have the opportunity to get pregnant with endometriosis, although it's not easy. So, what ways can be taken by women who have endometriosis in order to get pregnant?

Overview of endometriosis

Endometriosis is an abnormal condition when the tissue that is supposed to coat the uterine wall (endometrium) grows outside the uterus. The endometrium will generally experience thickening before ovulation (release of the egg) to prepare the presence of a prospective fetus to attach to the uterus in the event of fertilization. If there is no fertilization, the endometrial tissue will decay so that menstruation occurs.

But in the case of endometriosis, endometrial tissue that grows outside the uterus also decays during menstruation. It's just that, because it is not in the womb, endometrial tissue cannot pass through the vagina like other normal tissues.

As a result the network that cannot come out will settle in the surrounding tissue so that over time it will cause inflammation, cysts, scar tissue, and eventually cause symptoms.

What is the right way to get pregnant with endometriosis?

Many women think that when they have endometriosis, it will be difficult for them to have offspring. Although this disease attacks the reproductive system, it does not mean you cannot get pregnant.

Because according to G. David Adamson, MD, an endocrinologist and director of The Palo Alto Medical Foundation's In Vitro Fertilization, said that as many as one third of women who suffer from endometriosis can get pregnant naturally even without fertility treatment at all.

But if you want to try fertility treatments, quoted from the Healthline page, there are a number of usual ways doctors recommend that women who have endometriosis can stay pregnant.

1. Infertility medicine

Intestinal fertilizers are usually given to help provide an additional boost for follicle development so that the body can ovulate and then produce some mature eggs. For example, is the clomiphene drug, in the form of a pill.

Clomiphene works by inhibiting the release of the hormone estrogen, so the body will increase the production of the hormone FSH. Furthermore, FSH will stimulate follicles in the body to grow and develop. This follicle then triggers the work of the ovary to release more eggs.

However, if you have taken this medicine for 6 months and there has been no change, your doctor may advise you to switch to another method.

Because in some cases, fertility drugs may not be too effective at increasing the chances of pregnancy when compared to several other methods.

2. Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

If the method of using the uterine fertilization drug has not received maximum results, then the next recommended method is to use intrauterine insemination. This is one option that can be tried by women who want to get pregnant with endometriosis.

With a note, these women still have normal fallopian tubes, mild endometriosis stage, and couples have good sperm quality.

Intrauterine insemination works by choosing the best quality sperm, then the sperm will be inserted into your uterus through the cervix using a catheter. Next, the sperm will move and find its own way to find the egg cell that is ready to be fertilized.

3. In vitro fertilization (IVF)

Many women who are pregnant with endometriosis eventually take in vitro fertilization aka the IVF program. This program is often recommended for women who have moderate to severe endometriosis.

IVF program works by combining the mature egg with sperm to be fertilized, then the results of fertilization called the embryo will be incubated for several days.

The healthiest embryo is then inserted into the uterus to continue its growth and development in your body.

In essence, it's good to always consult the problems that occur in your reproductive organs with your doctor. Especially if you have the desire to get pregnant with endometriosis.

Usually, the doctor will provide treatment regarding the reproductive organs and fertility treatments that are appropriate to the condition of your body.

3 Ways to Succeed in Pregnancy Despite Having Endometriosis
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