5 Common Mistakes When Trying to Get Pregnant


Medical Video: Most 5 Common Mistakes & Causes That Are Not Getting Pregnant | Pregnancy Tips

Are you trying to get pregnant and still fail? Trying to get pregnant is not an easy thing to do. Meeting the eggs and sperm so that fertilization occurs must be at the right time. If not, there will be no pregnancy. Sometimes couples who have intercourse to produce a pregnancy do not take into account the right time. It's not only a matter of time, but there are also other factors that can frustrate you from achieving pregnancy.

Various errors when trying to get pregnant

Without realizing it, maybe the mistakes below are still done by you while trying to get pregnant, so you have not succeeded in achieving pregnancy.

1. Too often or too often to have sex

If you think that rarely having sex will make more sperm, then you are wrong. Your frequency of intercourse does not affect the number of sperm produced. Rarely do intimate relationships with partners will actually make you miss the time of ovulation (the release of eggs from the female ovary). Most couples miss this so they have not managed to have children.

Conversely, too often having sex is also not good if it makes you not interested and stressed. Although the more often you have sex with your partner, the greater the chance to achieve pregnancy, but the frequency of intercourse can also cause problems. Too often having sex can make one of you not interested when the opportunity for pregnancy is open.

In addition, having sex every day might stress you out of thinking about how to achieve pregnancy. If you are stressed, hormones can be affected and can affect the occurrence of fertilization (where the egg meets sperm). Actually having sex every day is not a problem, it actually opens up your chances of achieving pregnancy. However, you should not be too stressed by having to reach the pregnancy itself, it's better to enjoy your time together with your partner.

2. Pass the time of ovulation

Many couples who have not succeeded in achieving pregnancy are due to not having intimate relationships at the right time so they miss the time of ovulation. Knowing when ovulation occurs or the most fertile time of a woman is rather difficult. It would be better if sperm had been inside a woman's body at least 3 days before a woman's body released an egg because sperm could survive up to 5 days, while a woman's egg cell could only last up to 24 hours after being released. So, if you have sex on the day of ovulation, you are likely to lose the opportunity to make the egg meet with sperm, the result is you will not reach pregnancy. If you miss it, then you should try it again the following month.

The key is you know when to ovulate. How to? You must track your ovulation period at least 3 months before you plan your pregnancy. Record your menstrual period every month and your basal body temperature. Have intercourse a few days before ovulation.

3. Stress

Stress can interfere with fertilization because it can affect the function of the hypothalamus (glands in the brain that regulate appetite and emotions, and also regulate hormones that trigger the release of eggs). Stress can damage your ovulation cycle so you cannot predict when you will ovulate.

Stress can be divided into two, namely stress that occurs in a constant time, and stress that occurs suddenly. Maybe the body can adjust to stress that occurs at high levels and in a continuous time, so you may still be able to ovulate at any time. However, if stress occurs suddenly, such as an accident or a family member dies, this might damage your ovulation cycle. Of course, this is not the same between women.

If you are trying to get pregnant and you are under stress, your cervical mucus or cervix can show signs. Maybe your cervical mucus will increase more interspersed with drier mucus the next day. This can be a sign that the body is trying to ovulate, but the stress that occurs can delay it.

You might be able to find out when you ovulate using your basal body temperature. Your basal body temperature will be higher when ovulation occurs. So even though stress can interfere with your ovulation cycle, this will not reduce your chances of reaching pregnancy, while you can find out when the ovulation occurs.

4. Having sex is always in the same position

You may often hear that the position of the man above and the woman below (missionary position) is the best position to achieve pregnancy. However, even if you change your position the results will be the same. Position will not affect the achievement of pregnancy. However its position, sperm released by men will swim towards the mucus in the woman's cervix which will bring sperm to the fallopian tubes (a channel that connects the ovaries to the uterus). Find positions that make you and your partner comfortable.

5. Using lubricants

Some studies show that vaginal lubricants can damage sperm and interfere with the ability of sperm to move towards the uterus to fertilize the egg. Acidity or pH produced by cervical mucus just before ovulation has the right fit for sperm to survive and move, while the pH possessed by the lubricant does not match sperm, so the spema can die. In addition, the thickness of the lubricant makes sperm difficult to move, and the water content in the lubricant can make sperm absorb water so that it can damage sperm.

If you feel dry because you don't use lubricants, try using warm water as a lubricant. Water does not damage sperm and will not interfere with the ability of sperm to reach the cervix. If you still feel the need to use lubricants when trying to get pregnant, you should choose a lubricant that has passed clinical trials and is friendly to sperm, so that it is safe and effective. Or if you want to try a natural one, you can try olive oil, vegetable oil, baby oil, or egg white.


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5 Common Mistakes When Trying to Get Pregnant
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