Be Careful, Urinary Tract Infections Can Endanger Male Fertility


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Women are often an easy target behind the causes of why most married couples find it difficult to have a baby. In fact, as many as 30 percent of the cases were actually caused by the infertile men. There are many factors that can cause infertile men.One study published in Science Daily stated that 6-10 percent of male fertility problems are caused by urinary tract infections.

Unfortunately, there are still many men who do not know what the symptoms are, so this problem is often ignored.

Urinary tract infections in men are actually rare, but ...

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection that attacks the lower urinary tract, including the bladder (urine bag) and urethra (channel opening). Usually, these bacteria will be wasted out when you urinate. However, if there is still something left, this can trigger an infection.

The characteristics of urinary tract infections in men generally include pain every urination and an increase in the frequency of alternating urination. Urine may be darker in color, smell unpleasant, or may be mixed with blood. You may also experience fever and lower abdominal pain.

UTIs rarely occur in adult men under 50 years of age, but the risk can increase steadily thereafter.

How can a urinary tract infection make a man infertile?

As many as 15 percent of infertile male cases are caused by inflammation of the urinary tract due to infection. Although UTI is not a sexually transmitted disease, some types of bacteria that cause UTI in men can spread through sexual intercourse. These bacteria include chlamydia trachomatis (bacteria causing chlamydia) or E. coli.

Bacteria that cause UTI can crawl up from the urethra or bladder to the deep sex organs such as the testes, prostate, and epididymis by riding in the bloodstream. These three sex organs play an important role in the production of semen and sperm, along with the distribution in the form of ejaculation. The prostate functions to produce semen, which then flows into the epididymis which becomes a "storehouse" of sperm production, and ends in the testis as a temporary shelter of semen that has been filled with sperm. Sperm cells are very sensitive to infections, both from bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi.

This bacterial infection can cause the prostate to become inflamed and swollen, a condition called prostatitis. Inflammation can cause scarring of the prostate canal leading to the epididymis. This resulted in a small volume of semen and a small amount of sperm cells. At least 10 percent of men experience prostatitis, even semen can not contain sperm cells at all (runny sperm). In case of infection C. trachomatis,not only does the effect interfere with the production of semen and sperm cells, but also contributes to DNA damage to existing sperm. Damage to sperm DNA can affect the process of sperm maturation, including the amount, shape, and movement.

When we talk about sperm health, there are three important factors that need to be considered, namely sperm count, sperm shape (morphology), and sperm motility. If there is only one, or even more, sperm abnormalities from these three factors, then a man's risk of fertility or infertility problems can increase.

Plus, at least 60 percent of men experience a reduction in testicular size (testicular atrophy). Shrink testes are the most feared complication of acute epipidimitis and are at high risk of causing infertility in men.

Can urinary tract infections be cured?

Most cases of urinary infections can be easily treated with antibiotics prescribed by doctors. Patients usually take antibiotics for 3-10 days. Anxiety such as acetaminophen (paracetamol) or ibuprofen can also be used to relieve pain, but consult a doctor before combining your prescription antibiotics with over-the-counter drugs.

While in treatment therapy, multiply drinking water to help urinate. You can also drink real fruit juice and vitamin C supplements to increase the acidity of urine which will greatly help the healing process. Also, keep your penis clean to avoid germs that move to the urethra.

If fertility problems have already occurred,Dr. Laurence A. Jacobs in her personal blog states that there are two ways you can maintain offspring, including the process of infertile male babies in a tube called Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) or through artificial insemination.

Be Careful, Urinary Tract Infections Can Endanger Male Fertility
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