Does the process of IVF feel painful?


Medical Video: Is IVF a painful procedure?

IVF program, aka in vitro fertilization (IVF), can be an alternative choice for those who want to have children. This procedure is indeed not the main recommendation for dealing with fertility problems, but can be the best choice when other fertility methods don't work. Unfortunately, some women refuse to undergo this program for fear of feeling pain. Is the baby tube process painful? Here's the explanation.

Know first what the IVF procedure is like

When the egg is not fertilized by sperm cells in the body, it doesn't hurt to try IVF. Because the procedure is doneby combining eggs and sperm cells outside the body, with the hope that the fertilization process can succeed and realize the hopes of couples who want to have children.

The process of IVF works by helping the ovary to produce eggs that are healthy and ready to be fertilized. These eggs will then be taken and placed in a test tube for fertilization. After the egg is successfully fertilized and forms an embryo, the embryo will be transferred to the incubator for several days before being transferred back to the uterus. If the pregnancy fails, this process will continue to be repeated until the pregnancy is successful.

The pain or failure of IVF depends on each patient

Basically, IVF involves a little discomfort or pain. But the nature is more subjective, depending on the patient's physical condition. Then, what processes might cause pain when undergoing IVF? Let's peel from each step one by one.

Ovulation induction

The first part of the IVF process begins with injecting fertility hormones on the female patient's body. This injection serves to stimulate the ovaries to produce healthy eggs.

Most women who initiate this process only feel a little pain, some even report no pain at all. Because, the needles used tend to be thin and small, compared with diabetics who have to inject insulin with similar needles as much as 3 to 4 times a day.

Development of eggs in the uterus

In this phase, the egg begins to develop and the ovary begins to enlarge. This condition causes pain in the lower abdomen and bloating. Doctors will usually give certain drugs to limit the number of eggs that grow, thereby reducing pain.

By providing good stimulation, women don't even experience pain. The patient will only feel a little discomfort and can undergo normal activities as usual. This discomfort is only felt in a few moments, at least one week.

Taking eggs

The patient has been told in advance that this process is done by piercing the ovary through the vagina using a thin, long needle. This phase may seem daunting for women who want to undergo IVF.

In fact, this stage does not cause pain because the patient will be given anesthesia or drugs. Some women experience cramps or a little vaginal bleeding at this stage. But there is no need to worry, dthe octopus will be guided by a transvaginal ultrasound monitor when taking the egg so that it is safe. In addition, the doctor always ensures that the patient will remain comfortable and pain free during this procedure.

Transfer of a fertilized egg (embryo) into the uterus

After three to five days after embryo formation, the embryo will be moved back into the womb. The good news, this procedure does not cause pain. It's just that the patient will feel uncomfortable when inserting the vaginal speculum like during a pap smear.

After that, the patient will be given the hormone progesterone to help prepare the uterine wall when receiving the embryo. This hormone can be given by injection, pill or gel. Progesterone injections usually cause pain because the fluid used is oil based, so the needle is bigger. if youcan not stand the pain, you can ask for progesterone drugs in the form of pills or gels.

So in short, the pain in IVF is very subjective, depending on the ability of each patient. Some women may feel very sick, while others tend to be more calm. If you are familiar with syringes, the process of IVF may not make you anxious. Whereas if you are afraid of being injected, this procedure might be a little stressful for you.

Therefore, consult a doctor before you decide to undergo IVF. This process is safe and you will be guided by a specialist and nurse, so even if you feel a little sick, you don't need to worry.

Does the process of IVF feel painful?
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