Is Urination After Sex Can Prevent Pregnancy?


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When you and your partner are trying to get pregnant, it's natural that all things must be considered carefully. Do not let you still make mistakes that can make you or your partner difficult to get pregnant. One of the most frequently asked questions of couples who are working on offspring is the effect of urinating after sex. Many couples are worried that urinating after making love can make women difficult to get pregnant. Is that right? Consider the following explanation first to find out the full answer.

Urination after making love is important

For Eve, urinating after making love is obligatory. Because, when making love, the area of ​​your sex organs is prone to exposure to viruses or bacteria that cause urinary tract infections (UTI). By urinating, all bacteria will also be washed out.

However, does the woman who is trying on a pregnancy still have to urinate after making love? Of course. You can still urinate as usual after sex to get a pregnancy. Urination after making love will not reduce the chance of your pregnancy and your partner.

Can urination wash the sperm out?

Urinating out of love can still make you or your partner pregnant. Urine will not wash sperm out of the vagina. First, you must first understand how male ejaculation works. When ejaculating, the penis will release 200 to 400 million sperm cells through semen. In the vagina, about 65 million sperm cells will immediately escape from the semen and accelerate to the woman's cervix. You don't need to worry because the speed of sperm cells is quite amazing, which is around 16 kilometers per hour. The rest of the sperm cells that don't make it to the cervix will be trapped around the vaginal opening. However, usually only 1% of male sperm cells will be trapped around the vagina.

Because of the speed and the large number of sperm cells in male ejaculation, when you finish having sex, sperm cells have usually managed to reach the cervix. Meanwhile, you only need one sperm cell to fertilize the egg and make it happen. So, when you go to the bathroom to urinate, you don't need to worry if you accidentally "throw" sperm cells along with urine.

In addition, you also have to understand the anatomy of the human body. In women, urine is released through the urinary hole (urethra). This urinary tract is not the same as the vaginal opening (opening) where penetration occurs. The urethra is located between the vaginal opening and the clitoris. Therefore, when you urinate urine will not wash the sperm that has entered through the vaginal opening.

Women may feel like a lot of fluid is coming out. However, do not worry because usually the liquid that comes out is only the remaining substances such as proteins or vitamins from male semen, not sperm cells. After entering through the vagina, there is no way to remove sperm. So, please just urinate after making love, especially if you run the risk of having a urinary tract infection.

Is Urination After Sex Can Prevent Pregnancy?
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