5 Movements to Burn Thigh Fat


Medical Video: Shaun T's 5-Minute Fat-Blasting Workout

Thigh fat often annoys many people, you might also be one of them. Although thigh fat is not easily removed, this does not mean it is not possible. There are many movements that can help you reduce belly fat. However, you also have to combine exercise with a healthy diet to get maximum results. You can do the following movements one by one without pauses between them. Then, repeat up to 2-3 sets and do this exercise 3-4 days a week.

Movement to reduce thigh fat

1. Gate swings

Belly fat

This movement is a good warm-up. Apart from being able to target the inner thighs, this can activate the core and stabilize the muscles.

How to do it: Stand on your left leg with your arms folded behind your head. Bend your right knee and swing your legs left and right without touching the floor, lifting your knees as high as possible. Repeat 10 times back and forth, and then do the same with the other foot.

Tips: Hold your stomach during movements to help balance the body.

2. Sumo squat slide in

Belly fat

There are reasons why ballerinas have beautiful legs. Sumo squat (grand plies) is an extraordinary form of inner thigh muscle. Additional slide in this motion forces your muscles to work harder.

How to do it: Stand with your feet together, with your knees and fingers spinning at 45 degrees. Take a big step out the side with your right foot, then squat as low as possible. Keep your back straight, lower your hips down and place your fingers in front of the ground. When you stand up, slide your right foot to the left, and press your feet together hinga to touch the heel, then place your arms next to your head. Repeat 20 times, then change legs.

Tips: Be sure to keep your knees above the position of your toes when in the squat position.

3. Slide shuffle switch

Thigh fat

This fast movement can increase your heart rate and force your thigh muscles to work in helping you quickly change direction. This is an effective way to get rid of thigh fat.

How to do it: Stand with your feet together with your arms on the side. Move your foot to take three quick steps to the right (with your right, left, right foot), and stop by lifting your upper left knee while swinging your right hand forward. After that, place your right foot down, then begin to move quickly to the left side (with your left, right, left legs). Lift your right knee up while swinging your left hand forward. Repeat 20 times in a row as fast as you can.

Tips: This movement requires speed with a stable rhythm. For iu, try counting 1, 2, 3 to help you stay nimble and fast when moving from side to side.

4. Low lunge with isometric abduction

Thigh fat

This isometric contraction activates the muscles in your thighs and throughout the body. This is a more effective way than the abduction machine at the gym.

How to do it: Stand with your feet together with your arms next to you. Take a wide step forward with your right foot and go down to position lunge. Place your hands on the floor on the inside of your right foot. Press your right knee out of your right shoulder. Hold contractions for 10 counts. Push the floor with your right foot to stand again. Repeat with the left foot to complete a set. Do 3 sets for the whole.

Tips: Take care of your arms to press firmly on the floor so that you can put obstacles on your feet when pressing your feet against your shoulders.

5. Side plank of the elevator

Belly fat

This one movement presents a challenge to the entire lower body, as well as the arms and core.

How to do it: Lie on the right side and support your upper body with your right arm with your palm pressed to the floor. Extend your right leg and straight finger. Bend your left knee and place your left foot on the floor, behind your right foot. Slide your weight to the left leg, so that your right leg becomes lighter. Hold for one count and then lower yourself. Do 15 reps with your right foot, and 15 reps with your left foot.

Tips: Hold your stomach, try to keep your upper body still and your hips in a straight line when lifting and lowering your legs.



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5 Movements to Burn Thigh Fat
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