6 Causes of Your Stomach Not Flat


Medical Video: Simple Life Hacks for a Flatter Belly

For some people, a distended stomach might disrupt your appearance and make you not confident. There are many ways you can turn a distended stomach into a flat stomach. However, often attempts to make the flat stomach unsuccessful. Why is that? There are several reasons why you can't have the coveted flat stomach.

Various causes you have trouble having a flat stomach

1. Eat too much before exercise

Eating too much before exercise can reduce your chances of trying to shrink the stomach. Ideal snacks before exercise should include a little fat, complex carbohydrates, or healthy proteins. Also make sure you don't eat too long before starting exercise, but your self-motivation to eat healthy food throughout the day to get optimal energy.

2. You choose the wrong sport

To turn a distended stomach into a flat stomach, you need to do a healthy diet and regular exercise. Focus on exercises in all areas of the body where there is a buildup of fat, not just concentration in the stomach.

If you only focus on the stomach or give less variation to your practice or you are not diligent in practicing, of course the results you expect will be even further away.

3. Consume too much processed food

Processed foods can increase inflammation in your body. Therefore, try to consume antioxidant-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and seeds that can prevent the appearance of belly fat.

In addition, eating foods that are sufficiently lean protein such as fresh chicken, lean lean beef, fish, and low-fat milk. Also pay attention to your sugar and alcohol intake, because these foods tend to cause fat deposits in the stomach.

4. Stress

Stress triggers the body to produce the hormone cortisol which can make your body store fat in the middle of the body. The influence of stress is indeed great for weight gain, causing a buildup of fat in the stomach. In addition, for some people when experiencing stress, appetite will increase, especially eating sweet foods.

Finally you will eat more so that it is increasingly difficult to get a flat stomach that you have dreamed of.

5. Lack of sleep

Getting enough sleep is one of the important things that can affect health. Lack of sleep can increase the risk of gaining weight, which ultimately affects the abdominal fat deposits.

When you lack sleep, your body cannot release the hormone cortisol and treat your fatigue. In addition, it will disrupt the level of the hormone leptin which confuses the body. As a result, your body's signal will be chaotic, and the leptin hormone will store more calories in the stomach.

The hormone leptin functions to control hunger and satiety. This hormone will only be produced as long as you sleep with good quality and sufficient time.

6. Menopause

Some women experience an increase in abdominal fat during menopause. Menopause usually occurs one year after a woman has her last menstrual period. At that time, estrogen levels dropped dramatically, causing fat to be stored in the stomach, not again at the hips and thighs. Woman who is early menopause tend to get additional belly fat.

6 Causes of Your Stomach Not Flat
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