7 Yoga Poses That Can Be Trained With Your Baby


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How are you after giving birth to your baby? Surely very happy and fun, huh? Likewise, what I felt when I finally met my first son, felt relieved after undergoing a natural birth process for 23 hours. But besides feeling happy and relieved, my early weeks also lacked sleep and my body was very exhausted from being adapted to being a mother, and was very longing for practicing yoga asanas, because for me yoga is an integral part of my life.

When should you start yoga again? This certainly depends on each individual, but usually in general if you give birth normally, you can start yoga after 6 weeks, or 8 weeks if you give birth Caesar, but consult with your doctor first.

Often when you want to start practicing yoga again, you feel you have no time because you have to take care of the baby, and sometimes feel lazy because the body feels stiff and has no motivation. No need to be sad, involve your baby to accompany you to practice so that you are more enthusiastic. Here are some examples of yoga poses that you can train with the baby, even some positions that you can practice together while you are breastfeeding.

Yoga poses with babies that you can do

1. Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Put your baby in front of you, make sure the baby is lying comfortably on top mat yoga with a soft base. Then bring your body to the position table top, and position your head parallel to the position of your baby's head. Then lift your knees into the Downdog position while exchanging expressions with your baby. Perform a pose with 5 breaths and repeat 5 times, and return to position table top.



This position is good for your waist, hamstrings (hamstring), back shoulder.

2. Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II)

Hold your baby with both hands and make sure your grip is tight, then stand up straight, and spread your legs. Point your right foot forward then bend and straighten your back leg, place the baby on the front foot while hugging with one arm. Try to position your upper body in the middle, and if you practice with your baby it feels less balanced, no problem leaning forward to tighten hugs on your baby. Do it for both sides of the foot, always breathing long, holding the position for at least 5 breaths.




This position is good for thigh strength, helps to tighten the abdominal muscles and arm muscles while holding your baby.

3. Goddess Pose

Stand straight while hugging your baby in front of your chest, stretch your legs as wide as your waist and bend your knees and repeat 10 times. You can also do this position a little swinging up and down so it's more exciting for your baby.



This position is good for thighs and core strength.

4. Boat Pose (Plenary Navasana)

Sit with your knees bent and place your baby on your lap, lean your upper body towards the back to form 45 degrees, tighten your abdominal muscles then close your legs and straighten your legs up. Repeat this position 5 times for 5-10 breaths



This position is good for core strength.

Warning: make sure you don't practice this pose while still bleeding. Or if giving birth Caesar, wait until the stitches have dried, and wait until the baby can hold his head. My baby in the photo is 16 weeks old (3.5 months).

5. Inverted Seal Pose (Viparita Karani)

Lay your body and bend your knees, place your baby on your lap and straighten both legs and make your baby back. You can also stick your body to the wall while doing this pose


This position is best done when you feel tired and want to take a break but still interact or care for your baby.

6. Firelog Pose (Agni Stambhasana)

Sit on mat your yoga, place your right ankle above your left knee, and your left ankle below your right knee. Then place a pillow or blanket on your lap and place your baby on a pillow / blanket, and do this position while breastfeeding. Do it for both sides of the foot.



This position is good for hip opening and do it after several months of giving birth.

7. Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Sit on mat your yoga, put your feet together. Then place a pillow or blanket on your lap and place your baby on a pillow / blanket. Perform this position while breastfeeding.



This position is good for hip opening and do it after several months of giving birth.

"Now, there is no reason to not start practicing yoga anymore. Good luck!"

** Dian Sonnerstedt is a professional yoga instructor who actively teaches various types of yoga from Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin, and Prenatal Yoga to both private and office classes. Dian is currently registered with YogaAlliance.org and can be contacted directly through her Instagram account, @ diansonnerstedt.


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7 Yoga Poses That Can Be Trained With Your Baby
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