Can Exercise Be Direct After Tooth Extraction?


Medical Video: Patient Walk-through of Wisdom Teeth Extraction | Boston Children's Hospital

In order to speed up the recovery process, there are several taboos that you must pay attention to after pulling teeth. For example, avoid foods that are too cold or hot, eat hard, and smoke for at least 72 hours after the tooth is removed. Sports after pulling teeth often may or may not be a question. So, can you or not?

Direct exercise after pulling teeth, is it okay?

In general, the dentist will advise you to take a rest after the teeth are removed. There are certain reasons behind this dentist's advice. The recovery period after removing the teeth usually takes 1 to 2 weeks. The gum tissue itself takes about 3-4 weeks to close the wound.

From the moment after extracting the teeth until a few minutes later, a blood clot will begin to form in the socket (cavity) of the tooth that has just been removed as the beginning of the healing process. This clot will be a protective layer for the bones of the teeth and nerve endings that are in the socket that tooth. This clot will also be the foundation for new bone growth and soft tissue.

However, this blood clot is very easily damaged. For this reason you are not advised to rinse, brush teeth, prying or poking areas of newly extracted teeth, chewing hard, drinking hot drinks or alcohol, or exercising for the next 24 hours.

If you do not follow this doctor's advice, the blood clot can be released and cause a condition called dry socket. Dry socket can lead to dental bones and nerves are exposed to the outside environment, giving rise to pain in the area of ​​the extracted tooth.

Sports after pulling teeth must be stopped if ...

If you experience bleeding, the tooth socket swells, or seams after removing the tooth, stop exercising. Also consult with your dentist before starting sports. If you feel dizzy or dizzy when exercising, immediately stop and rest. Contact your doctor to discuss when you can continue physical activity as usual.

What do you need to do after removing your teeth?

The healing process after removing the teeth usually takes several days. During the healing process, some of the things below need to be considered.

  • Avoid exercising for 24 hours after removing the teeth
  • If you can't stand the pain that might arise, take the painkillers your doctor prescribes.
  • Replace the gauze that is used to clog bleeding after extraction regularly.
  • Paste it ice pack on the side of the face where the teeth are removed about 10 to 20 minutes for one compress. Place a thick cloth between the ice and your skin so that the blood vessels don't freeze and stop blood flowing.
  • Avoid touching the former area of ​​tooth extraction, for example by using a toothbrush, toothpick, or tongue. This can also prolong the recovery process and even cause re-bleeding. When brushing your teeth and cleaning your mouth, do it slowly and gently.
  • Choose soft foods like soup, pudding and porridge. Avoid foods and drinks that are too hot because it will make the healing process longer.
  • Prevent bleeding while sleeping by using a pillow rather high.
  • During the healing process, avoid smoking.
  • Avoid drinking using a straw for a week after removing your teeth.
  • Drinking lots of water is also needed after surgery. Avoid drinks such as alcohol, caffeine, carbonated drinks, or hot drinks in the first 24 hours.
Can Exercise Be Direct After Tooth Extraction?
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