Choose these 6 foods that are rich in nutrients, so you exercise more


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Not only designing a routine exercise schedule is needed, you also have to choose and arrange the right food so that your exercise is optimal. Choosing the right food before exercise is important so that you have full energy and maximize the formation of muscle and fat burning. So, what kind of food before exercise is best consumed?

Various foods before exercise that must be consumed

When exercising, the body needs extra energy. When you exercise on an empty stomach, you will run out of energy, feel nauseous, and dizzy.

This condition makes you lose focus and encouragement to continue sports. As a result, the results of sports that should be maximal even show the opposite results.

Well, if you want satisfying results, the energy in the body must be fulfilled. It's best to choose foods that are good and proper so you can improve your performance in sports.

1. Mango

eat mango while pregnant

Mango fruit provides 59.8 calories for 100 grams. This fruit is very suitable for increasing the energy needed by the body in quick time. In addition to carbohydrates, mangoes also contain many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support your healthy lifestyle.

All the ingredients of mangoes can protect your body from free radicals and oxidative stress. You can peel the skin and enjoy it into several pieces. Can also be made mango juice or added with yogurt.

2. Sweet potatoes

Apart from mangoes, other foods that taste sweet and you can enjoy to support sports performance are sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes contain carbohydrates that are larger than mango, which is about 85.8 calories for 100 grams.

In addition to a good source of carbohydrates, sweet potatoes also contain potassium which can meet 14% of potassium intake per day. This nutritious food has the potential to improve muscle tissue while preventing muscle fatigue.

3. Yogurt

Yogurt is not just a healthy snack, but can also be a food support for sports. These foods provide calories from fat. In addition, there are probiotics, which are good bacteria that help your digestive system.

Increasing the number of good bacteria in the body can sharpen the body's immune response and increase the body's ability to recover quickly from fatigue.

4. Fruit bits

beet juice

For you, maybe the name of this fruit is foreign to your ear. If you want your sports performance to improve, consider eating beets. This fruit looks like a potato and is red.

This fruit is very good for smooth circulation. Of course, this benefit will help your athletic performance because it reduces the amount of oxygen that must enter the body and delay the body's fatigue faster.

5. Quinoa

Even though it looks like a small grain, quinoa has many benefits for the body. Quinoa has an incredible nutritional content; fat proteins, essential amino acids and carbohydrates and antioxidants.

These foods can help repair damaged muscles after exercise. The combination of protein and carbohydrates is a source of fuel so that the energy in the body lasts longer. Vitamin E and vitamin C help other antioxidant compounds against free radicals.

6. Arab nuts or chickpeas

Arab nut benefits for health

You certainly never thought that peanuts could be a food support for sports, right? Well, these beans are known by many names, such as garbanzo beans or chickpeas. But in Indonesia, this bean is known as arabic beans.

Arab nuts contain a combination of protein and carbohydrates which will provide energy for you during exercise. In addition, these beans are also rich in iron which has the potential to reduce the oxygen uptake capacity in the body so that it will maintain energy for longer.

Choose these 6 foods that are rich in nutrients, so you exercise more
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