How Many Physical Activities Do Adults Need?


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As you get older and get busy, most adults (18-64 years) lose time and opportunities for physical activity. If you don't really take the time to move actively, you will probably continue to live your days passively. Especially if you work all day in the office. In fact, the human body must continue to be moved in order to function normally. Like eating, physical activity is one of the necessities of life that cannot be missed.

Physical activity is an activity in a certain duration of time that requires energy and movement of the skeletal muscles. Do not be mistaken for sports which means a body movement that is structured with specific goals, usually to train certain limbs. However, physical activity is indeed very broad in scope. Starting from daily activities such as walking and drying clothes to sports such as fitness training, swimming, or playing futsal.

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The importance of physical activity for adults

Many people underestimate the importance of physical activity. This is because the effects of lack of motion will not be immediately felt in the body. Different from eating needs. If you do not eat the body will give a warning through hunger. While a lack of new physical activity a warning will appear in the long run. In fact, physical activity can actually provide a variety of important benefits but you don't realize it everyday.

Prevent disease

Physical activity for adults is not only good for maintaining body fitness, but also prevents various diseases that lurk with age. Some diseases that are triggered by lack of physical activity include the following.

  • Coronary heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Breast cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Kidney cancer

Maintain mental acuity

Increasingly, the cognitive function of adults will gradually diminish. Especially if you are not physically active enough. Your memory, concentration, or accuracy will decrease. Meanwhile, people who actively move and exercise their minds will remain sharp. This is because as long as you are physically active, the brain will continue to develop by forming new tissues and creating hundreds of new connections between brain nerves. You can also avoid the risk of dementia, Alzheimer's disease, or various other disorders in your cognitive function.

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Think more positively

Moving your body, even if you have to be forced because you are not interested, has been proven to be able to make someone feel more positive and confident. This is certainly very useful because in adulthood, a person must be faced with various life problems that can cause stress or depression. So, rather than constantly eating when you're in trouble, you better get up from your seat and look for active activities.

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Physical activity needed by adults

The physical needs of adults are certainly different from children or the elderly (elderly). According to the World Health Organization (WHO), everyone in the age range of 18 to 64 years must fulfill the following physical activity needs.

  • 150 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75 minutes of heavy physical activity in a week
  • 300 minutes moderate physical activity in a week if you are used to it
  • Exercise skeletal muscles 3 to 4 times a week

Various levels of physical activity

Physical activity for adults is divided into three groups based on the level of intensity, namely mild, moderate, and severe. The following are complete explanations and examples of each level of physical activity.

Mild physical activity

When doing mild physical activity, you will not feel panting or your heart beating faster than usual. The body also won't burn a lot of calories into energy. Mild physical activities include washing dishes, cooking, taking a leisurely stroll in a shopping center, driving a motor vehicle, fishing, and stretching muscles.

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Moderate physical activity

Moderate physical activity is characterized by a faster heart rate, more breathing, and increased body temperature. You may also feel a little tired after doing so. Examples of moderate activities include walking fast, cycling, carrying children aged 2-6 years, climbing stairs, changing gallons of drinking water, yoga, dancing, playing volleyball, and skating with roller skates or skateboard.  

Severe physical activity

For heavy physical activity, your body burns more calories because the energy needed is quite large. You will also be panting according to the activity. Usually physical activity for adults who are quite heavy is exercising like playing futsal, jogging, swimming, mountain climbing, jumping rope, and playing badminton. It can also be work that requires energy such as hoeing, pedaling a pedicab, or completing construction work.

How Many Physical Activities Do Adults Need?
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