Run Outdoors vs Running Treadmills: Which is Better?


Medical Video: Is It Better for You to Run Outdoors or on a Treadmill? | Earth Lab

At a glance, running outdoors and on a treadmill is a very similar sport. Both use the same muscle groups, and require forward movement and gestures. What's more, these two activities can help improve cardiovascular fitness and endurance, reduce body fat percentage, and tighten and strengthen the legs and muscle core. However, if we look more closely, there are some differences between running outdoors and on a treadmill. Let's see the difference below!

Run outdoors

Route variations

The good thing about running outdoors is that you have an unlimited number of routes to go through. You may want to go through different routes depending on your mood. For example, you can choose a linear route to run towards your final destination. Or you can also choose a circular route that will take you back to where you were.

However, if you want to continue to improve your fitness and burn the optimal amount of calories, you must change your running route regularly to prevent your body getting used to your routine.

Surface variation

Running outdoors challenges you with unexpected surface routes compared to on a treadmill. This has benefits as balance and coordination exercises. You have to work hard to maintain balance on uneven terrain, such as cracks in the sidewalk, bumps in the field, and so on.

Road and sidewalk surfaces are easy to predict. If you are a beginner, running on relatively mild surface conditions is probably the safest thing to do. Make sure that you pay attention to traffic signs and wear clothing with high visibility. You should stay on the sidewalk if possible, but if you have to be on the highway, stay on the side of the road and watch every passing vehicle approach you.

Running in the sand will test your endurance so you will burn more calories. Moreover, if the sand that is stepped on is soft sand, you will find it increasingly difficult to move forward, so that the energy you release will be even greater.

Weather conditions

If you want to run outdoors, the weather is often a determining factor. If the cloud is dark or raindrops, you will definitely cancel the wish. However, exercise will be more effective if done regularly, once a week will not be enough. We know that Indonesia has 2 seasons. So, when you run outdoors during the rainy season, you have to wear clothes that are suitable for the current weather conditions.


One of the advantages of running outdoors is that you don't have to spend money at all. You might be charged for buying some of the equipment needed to run, but it will still be far cheaper than joining a gym or buying a treadmill.

Run on the treadmill

Constant environment

Although some people see this sport as expensive and boring, treadmills offer a constant environment for exercise because the temperature, humidity, and surface to run remain the same.

In this case, running on a treadmill can be considered a form of exercise that is more comfortable than running outside. You do not have to consider the weather, light level, or traffic. Once you are on the treadmill, you only have a few external factors that can interfere with your activities.


The treadmill allows runners to adjust speed and maintain it. This is useful if you are training for a specific purpose. This can also help you to continue your business when your determination decreases.

On the treadmill, you have to make a conscious decision to press the button to slow down your running speed. If you run outdoors, you will naturally reduce speed without realizing it because your body responds to the fatigue you feel.

Less impact on the joint

Running on a treadmill is safer for joints than running on concrete roads or sidewalks. If you run regularly, including some exercises on the treadmill, you will reduce the impact on your joints and the risk of injury. If you are recovering from an injury or have a problem with your joints, a treadmill offers a way to gradually rebuild your workout.

So, run on a treadmill or outdoors?

The difference between running outdoors and on a treadmill can be used as an advantage for yourself. You can set aside 2-3 days to run outdoors, which will be more challenging and condition you. Then on another day, for 2-3 days, try to run on a treadmill to build speed by increasing steps in a short time. Changing scenery will also motivate you to keep doing this routine exercise.


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Run Outdoors vs Running Treadmills: Which is Better?
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