Safe Sports Guide for Lung Cancer Patients


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Many people think that people who have cancer should not exercise, especially lung cancer patients who have respiratory problems. In fact, exercise can actually help treat cancer to be more smooth and effective. See here the benefits of exercise for lung cancer, along with guidance on how to exercise safely.

Sports benefits for lung cancer

Sports are generally considered to only make lung cancer patients weaker, fatigued, and difficult to breathe. But basically this can be adjusted to your condition, which has a body. In fact, there have been many studies that state that exercise for lung cancer can make treatment run more smoothly.

One of them was proven in a study published in the journal Translational Lung Cancer Research, which revealed that exercise is very important and must be done by patients with lung cancer. In the journal it is known that exercise can actually improve the patient's immune system, strengthen muscles, and prevent drastic weight loss.

In fact, with regular exercise, lung cancer patients can get through cancer treatment better, experience fewer side effects of medication, and prevent cancer from recurring later.

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What type of exercise is safe to do?

Even so, the type of exercise for lung cancer cannot be arbitrary. Because, besides being vulnerable to fatigue, lung cancer patients also have an average problem with their breathing. False-wrong, it makes the patient's condition deteriorate

Then, what kind of exercise for lung cancer is good and safe? Actually, there is no need for patients to exercise heavily. Only need to keep his physical status active every day. You can do light and simple activities like:

  • Gardening
  • Use the stairs from the escalator or elevator
  • Take a leisurely stroll with your pet, or you can be with your relatives.

If you want to keep exercising, cancer patients can do sports such as yoga, tai chi, swimming, and biking in a relaxed manner. Avoid doing sports that have high intensity, such as aerobics, because of the risk of causing respiratory problems.

Tips for exercise for safe lung cancer

Here are tips to keep your sport safe and not cause problems when done:

  • Listen to your body. Know the limits of the body's ability, if you feel tired then you should immediately stop the activities that you are doing. Give the body a pause and time to rest. If you have, you can start physical activity slowly again. For example, start walking relaxed again, if tired, stop immediately.
  • Use a pedometer. Pedometer is a tool to measure how many steps you have taken. This will motivate you to exercise and you will know how your body is capable of every day. Make improvements every day, of course there is no need for a drastic increase, just slowly so that your body is trained and gets stronger every day.
  • Improve body posture. To keep your skeleton and joints healthy, you also have to pay attention to your posture every time you make a move. For example, when sitting, try to back straight and not bend. This will reduce the risk of joint problems that you may experience. To practice it, you can practice yoga regularly.
  • Stretching and cooling. Don't forget to do both of these when you exercise, so that your muscles are not shocked and tense.

In addition, before doing exercise, you should first consult with the doctor who handles you. Because everyone has different conditions, you should ask your doctor first, what types of exercise you can do and what not to do.

Safe Sports Guide for Lung Cancer Patients
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