The Best Types of Sports to Maintain Bone Strength


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As you age, your bones and muscles will become more fragile and vulnerable to injury. This is why many elderly people experience hip fractures, knee injuries, or frequent falls. Take it easy, you still have the opportunity to maintain bone strength while preventing osteoporosis. The trick is to do weight training!

What is weight training? What are the benefits for bone? Directly refer to the explanation below, yes.

What is the best exercise to maintain bone strength?

According to a study by a team of experts from the University of Missouri, weight training turned out to be one of the best types of exercise to treat bones and muscles. From this study, it is known that weight training can control sclerostin levels while increasing the production of special hormones that play an important role in bone growth.

Sclerostin itself is one of the natural proteins in the human body. If the sclerostin levels that accumulate in the bones have exceeded the limit, your bones will become more susceptible to loss. While a special hormone called IGF-1 is responsible for maintaining bone growth.

That way, this exercise can help prevent symptoms of osteoporosis and maintain bone strength early on. You who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis can also delay further bone damage by doing weight training.

Various examples of weight training

As explained by Dr. Paul Mystkowski, a hormone expert from the University of Washington, weight training is a type of exercise that can put pressure on bones and muscles, exceeding your daily activities.

Make no mistake, weight training is different from lifting weights. This exercise includes physical activity that requires you to hold the weight of the body using the muscles or bones of the legs or arms.

The following are various types of weight training grouped by impact-his. High impact means that when exercising, your feet barely touch the ground or just touch the ground in an instant. The opposite, low impact means that when you exercise one or both of your feet, you step on the ground fairly well.

Exercise high impact

  • Brisk
  • Jogging
  • Run
  • Jump rope
  • Mountain climbing
  • Climbing up the stairs

Exercise low impact

  • Walk (outside or on treadmill)
  • Walk with a tool elliptical trainer
  • Dancing (eg poco-poco or salsa)
  • Yoga
  • Tai chi
  • Pilates

Which must be considered before trying weight training

Before you try exercise that is good for bone health, you should consult with your doctor or exercise coach. Because the exercises above are prone to injury. Especially for the elderly and people who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis.You may be taking drugs that have an impact on your coordination and balance.

The doctor or coach will suggest the method of weight training that is most suitable and safe for your physical condition. For example exercise low impact.

The Best Types of Sports to Maintain Bone Strength
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