Various Types of Fitness Equipment in Gym Venues and their Benefits


Medical Video: How to Use Gym Machines - Complete Beginner's Introduction | Joanna Soh

Fitness equipment has many types, depending on the usefulness of each in our bodies. For those of you who are just entering the world of fitness, stepping into the gym for the first time will feel like immersing yourself in a foreign area that has a lot of weird equipment. The easiest thing to start is by using a cardio tool. Most people will use intuitive movements that you might already know, such as walking, running, pedaling a bicycle, or climbing stairs. Once you are ready to venture out of the cardio area, getting used to all the fitness equipment at the gym will be difficult, so you have to start slowly so you are not overwhelmed. Therefore, let's look at the various fitness tools below and also the benefits!

1. Treadmill

Treadmill is the fitness tool that burns the most calories from various other cardiovascular devices available at the gym. You can burn about 100 calories per 1.5 km by walking fast. Treadmill it can also be adjusted to a variety of different fitness levels depending on the speed from walking to running and also the slope of the runway. This fitness tool can also provide a balance challenge for those who are just exercising or who have not worked for a long time.

2. Elliptical machines and stair steps

This machine is not too risky for joints, and is a good alternative treadmill. Because you use it in a standing position, you use a lot of muscle mass, so the calorie burning rate is quite high. Elliptical machines with arm components can further increase the number of calories you burn.

3. Rowing machine (rowing)

Don't be fooled into thinking that this machine only gives your upper body training, because this machine is a sophisticated cardiovascular machine. You have to push with your feet, while pulling with your arms. Coordination is needed in rowing, besides that you also involve the core of the abdominal muscles to support and protect your back. Because this involves so many muscle groups, the rower will burn a lot of calories. However, this machine is not recommended for people who rarely exercise and are not fit.

4. Smith machine

Smith machine is a tool for lifting barbells on vertical tracks. This fitness tool has many of the same goals as a standard weight training machine, which is to build muscle. This machine limits the barbell for a series of movements, because the barbell is attached to the rail. You can set the security stop to keep the bar falling down from a certain height. All muscles can work using this tool, especially on the shoulder, triceps, and traps.

5. Cable machine

This fitness device connects the handle to the ballast pile by pulling the cable to move through the pulley. The pulley used can be fixed and can also be adjusted. This tool can basically touch every muscle in the body.

6. Squat rack

This is a fitness tool that can be used to do squat seriously. In fitness and strength training, squat can train your body completely. Squat it mainly focuses on the thighs, hips and buttocks, quadriceps, and hamstrings while strengthening bones and ligaments.

7. Lat pulldown machine

This is a fitness tool used to strengthen the latissimus dorsi muscle or lats. How to use it is to pull the handle down, keeping your elbows and back straight. Avoid bending your body to get help from the chest and abdominal muscles. The muscles used for this tool are the lower back and upper back, especially the biceps and lats.

8. Pek deck machine

This type of fitness device is designed to isolate and employ the chest. To really do this exercise, sit facing back by bending your elbows 90 ° at the mid-chest level. Push the handle until it is in front of your face. Inhale when opening your arms and exhale when you pull them again. The muscle that is built is the chest muscle (pectoralis major) and shoulders (deltoids).


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Various Types of Fitness Equipment in Gym Venues and their Benefits
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