Castor Oil for Induction of Labor, Is it Safe and Effective?


Medical Video: Inducing Labor and What to Expect

Castor oil is best known as a laxative. However, not only that, it turns out that castor oil can also help induce labor. Although there is still little evidence about this, but some people have believed the benefits of castor oil on this one. However, is castor oil really effective for labor induction? Check out the answer here.

Get to know castor oil

Castor oil comes from jatropha curcas (Ricinus communis) Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid which is rarely owned by other plants. The content that makes castor oil has many benefits for treatment, such as constipation, infection or skin disorders, pain and inflammation, and stimulates the immune system.

In addition, castor oil can also be used for non-medical applications including:

  • As a mildew inhibitor, food additives, and flavoring substances.
  • In addition to ingredients for skin and cosmetic care products such as shampoo, soap and lipstick.
  • Used in making items such as plastic, fiber, or paint.

Castor oil has a strong and famous odor with an unpleasant taste. Side effects of castor oil can be annoying and even dangerous, ranging from nausea to severe dehydration.

Is it effective for castor oil for labor induction?

Castor oil can stimulate peristalsis in the intestine which can irritate the uterus, thus triggering contractions. In addition, castor oil can also reduce the absorption of fluid in the small intestine. This can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and the possibility of contractions.

Castor oil or castor oil may also promote the release of prostaglandin receptors, which cause widening of the cervix. This is what makes castor oil useful for induction of labor.

A study published in Alternative Therapies of Health and Medicine reported that more than half of the respondents in this study who were given castor oil experienced labor before 24 hours, compared with only four percent who started labor within the same time frame without any encouragement.

Another larger study, which was published almost 10 years later reported that castor oil was not very helpful in encouraging labor.

Castor oil can be used for labor induction, but it is not very effective. If effective, castor oil can cause irregular and painful contractions, which can stress the mother and baby. This can lead to fatigue and dehydration (due to continued vomiting). It also causes your baby to experience it meconium or first baby's stool mixed with amniotic fluid, before giving birth. This can cause health problems after birth.

If you want to try castor oil to induce your labor, you should discuss it first with your doctor. Your doctor will suggest this according to your health condition or pregnancy and the risk factors associated with your pregnancy.

When do you need to do labor induction?

According to American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, labor induction is a medical decision made for the safety of you and your baby. Labor induction is not always needed. There are various conditions that require you to induce labor.

Some conditions that make labor induction must be carried out include:

  • Your gestational age exceeds the date that should have been almost 2 weeks and you do not show signs of giving birth. A gestational age of more than 42 weeks will put you at greater risk for various problems, such as stillbirths.
  • The amniotic sac has broken but you have not contracted. Induction is needed to reduce the risk of infection in your uterus or your baby. However, the doctor also looks at the gestational age and your baby is ready or not. If the baby is very premature, the doctor may not induce labor.
  • You have an infection in the uterus or chorioamnionitis.
  • The baby in the womb has stopped growing.
  • Amniotic fluid is little or not enough to surround the baby (oligohydramnios).
  • You experience placental abruption.
  • You have medical conditions that are risky for you and your baby like hypertension, preeclampsia, or gestational diabetes.
Castor Oil for Induction of Labor, Is it Safe and Effective?
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