How to disguise scars of cesarean section


Medical Video: Caesarean section evidence-based surgical technique

Caesarean section is often a bad experience for many women, not only due to prolonged pain, but because this operation also leaves a fairly obvious scar on the female body. Check out how to reduce and disguise a caesarean scar.

Types of incisions during caesarean section

If a mother has a problem with giving birth naturally, a caesarean section will be performed. After the birth of the baby, there are traces left in the mother's body. This scar can be stretched vertically from top to bottom, usually starting from the bottom of the navel, or horizontally from the left to the right of the mother's lower abdomen.

Both if your incisions are vertical or horizontal, there are three ways doctors can close these marks, namely:

  • Staples. This is the easiest and fastest choice using a leather stapler.
  • Stitching. Doctors use needles and threads to sew incisions. This takes longer than the staple method but is safer.
  • Glue. Surgical glue is used to close the incision. This method of glue requires the shortest time to heal and leaves the most vague scars.

Types of caesarean section scars

Usually, scars from a caesarean section will heal properly. However, sometimes, women have problems with the healing process. Young women (under the age of 30) or dark skinned women are very at risk of experiencing this problem.

There are two types of problems that may occur in this caesarean scar:

  • Keloid. The scar becomes keloid when the tissue in the wound grows beyond the wound boundary, resulting in a bulge of the scar around the incision.
  • Hypertrophic scars. Unlike keloids, hypertrophic scars are within the boundaries of the original incision line. However, the tissue continues to grow and becomes thicker and harder than normal scars.

How can the caesarean scar heal properly?

One method for reducing caesarean section scars is to treat the scars properly postoperatively.

  • Keep it clean. When bathing, you don't need to avoid water about your scars. Let the water drip past the scar and wipe gently. Try to rub it as gently as possible. After bathing, dry the area with a soft towel or cotton.
  • Don't miss an appointment with a doctorr. If the suture does not dissolve and you miss it or are late visiting the doctor, your scar can become ugly.
  • Stay active. Staying active will support blood flow and speed up the healing process. With this, you can also avoid the risk of DVT (deep vein thrombosis) - the condition of blood clots. However, do not bend or turn your body or make sudden movements. Besides that, don't carry heavy objects. If you want to exercise, wait until the doctor allows it.

If you see signs or symptoms of an infection such as redness, swelling, high fever or branching scars, immediately consult a doctor.

How to disguise a scar so it is not too clear

The scar of a caesarean section will disappear after a certain period of time. However, there are tips to improve the appearance of this scar.

  • Do not leave scars exposed to sunlight. Sunlight can make the scar become darker or brighter than the surrounding skin. Hide scars from direct sunlight or protect with sunscreen.
  • You can use various treatment options to reduce scars. Non-medical therapy and medical therapy is available for this.

Non-medical procedure for removing caesarean section scars

  • Laser therapy. You can start this therapy as soon as the suture is removed from the scar. Go to a specialist far in advance.
  • Steroid injections. For ugly scars such as keloids or hypertrophic scars, steroid injections can help the scars to become flat and faint. Steroids can be injected at the same time as a caesarean section or after the scar has healed.

Procedure surgeryto remove a caesarean scar

  • Repair of scars. In this therapy, the doctor will remove the skin that covers the scar. A new and not as severe wound will form before, and this wound will begin healing again by leaving a thinner and fainter mark. But in the case of keloids and hypertrophic scars, this is not recommended because it can cause recurrent scars.

There are many ways to reduce caesarean scar scars as described above. The method applied will depend on the severity of the scar and also the patient's economic capacity. Choose the most suitable method to restore your perfect skin, and also restore your confidence to dress as you like.

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How to disguise scars of cesarean section
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