Rules for Accepting Guests After Childbirth To Keep Mothers and Babies Comfortable


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Celebrating the birth of your baby with the closest people is one of the moments you don't want to miss. Usually family and friends will come to see after the baby is born. However, at the same time you are so overwhelmed with various challenges and responsibilities as new parents.

So how do you keep receiving guests after giving birth? What should be considered when family and friends come to see? Calm down, here are the complete guidelines so that the mother and baby stay comfortable and healthy.

1. Take a break first

Sleep deprivation is usually the source of new parental problems. Lack of sleep can make you less focused, irritable, and tired. So, make sure you have enough rest before receiving guests.

If there are people who want to come when you don't even take a break, suggest coming later. Don't be afraid, other people will understand that you are truly overwhelmed right now. So you also have to be able to measure your own physical and mental limits.

2. Limit the number of guests

Your first few weeks with your baby are moments that cannot be repeated. So, try to spend as much quality time as possible with your baby without being bothered by many people.

You do this by limiting the number of guests. You really need to be able to set priorities. For example, prioritize close family first, then friends and acquaintances who are not so close to you.

3. Don't worry too much about home

People come to visit because they want to visit your little one, not to inspect your home. So there is no need to worry too much about a messy house. Once again, people must be aware that you are having trouble. Confusing too much about the house will only consume energy and your time is very limited.

If the room is still a mess, just close the door and gather in the front room. Clean up the most visible parts for guests, such as the living and dining room.

4. Order food outside or ask for food

You may still be exhausted and unable to cook for families who come to see. No problem, you can order food outside or be entrusted with food by families who want to go home. Don't get me wrong, other people are happy if you can help. So don't be afraid to bother other people.

5. Ask guests to wash their hands

Newborns do not have an immune system as strong as adults. So to avoid the risk of infection or contracting the disease, ask guests to wash their hands first before playing with the baby.

Provide too hand sanitizer and tissue in the room to make it easier for guests to clean germs and bacteria from outside the house.

6. Schedule the best possible guest visit

After the baby is born, you have to be wise in managing your daily schedule. Make a schedule of guest visits so that you and your partner can adjust as well as possible with a new life as a parent.

For example, avoid receiving guests at the time your baby wants to sleep. Usually babies become fussy and cannot be bothered, even though your guests might want to play with them. Therefore, let your family and friends know at any time they should come home.

7. Prioritize your time with the baby

Receiving guests after the baby is born is fine. However, don't even interfere with your time to build bonds with your baby. Give the baby the opportunity to get to know your voice and touch clearly, without being too dizzy with the presence of many foreigners.

Take advantage of your valuable time to be alone with your baby. For example, when breastfeeding. That way, you yourself become more relaxed and focused.

8. Dare to refuse

Inevitably, you must firmly reject the visit of several people after the baby is born. For example if the person is having a cold. Or when a friend comes when your baby sleeps and he asks that your baby be awakened.

You might be afraid to hurt your friend's feelings, but you should be able to explain why you don't want to wake your baby for example. When delivered carefully, other people will understand. Sometimes other people don't deliberately make you bother. They just don't understand or forget how complicated it is to take care of a newborn baby.

9. Pay attention to your baby's reaction

There are babies who remain relaxed when surrounded by many people. However, there are also those who become fussy when meeting new people. You must learn to read the pattern, such as how to introduce your baby to strangers or what the sign is if he feels uncomfortable. If the mood is not supportive, don't force it because you feel bad for the guest.

Rules for Accepting Guests After Childbirth To Keep Mothers and Babies Comfortable
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