4 Basic Facts About Autism that Must Be Known


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According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the longer the number of cases of autism in the world is increasing. Despite the increase, more and more people are not aware of developments, knowledge or even facts about autism. There are several facts about autism that must be known, so that many people do not misunderstand. What are they? Let's look at the 5 most basic facts and it's important to know.

The most basic facts about autism and must be known

1. Autistic children can be diagnosed early

facing problems in children's school

The first facts about autism may be quite astonishing. In fact, many children under the age of 18 months have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). But most of these autism conditions can also be diagnosed in children over the age of 24 months or 2 years.

Alycia Halladay, PhD, chief science officer at the Autism Science Foundation in New York City, said that if children are two years old and have problems with their social interactions, this could be a determining factor in diagnosing autism in children.

There are no medical tests that can find out if someone has autism or not. Pediatricians usually check the behavior of children through their development then while checking through their hearing, vision and neurological tests to find out there are disorders of autism or not in children.

2. Symptoms of autism vary

children with autism

Symptoms of autism spectrum disorder in each person is different, some have severe symptoms and some are not. Symptoms of autism generally attack the ability to communicate and interact socially.

Not infrequently, he is more often alone than having to play with his peers. Children with autism spectrum disorders also have symptoms that repeat a number of movements and behavior, avoid eye contact, or even become obsessed with certain toys.

Symptoms in the facts about autism can be noticed by parents. Among other things, if your child experiences sensitive behavior towards sound, does not respond to your speech, or is not interested in an object that is indeed interesting.

3. More boys with autism

autism in girls

This third fact about autism found that more boys had autism spectrum disorders than girls. Then, it was found the myth that boys from the white race were more often affected by autism. But that hasn't been proven right. All races, tribes and ages can have autism spectrum disorders.

4. Vaccines or immunizations will not cause autism

vaccination and immunization and vaccination

Many more myths are circulating that autism is caused by getting injections of vaccines or immunizations. But unfortunately, that is not true. Thimerosal is another vaccine ingredient that has increased the risk of autism.

In the end, research on tentant vaccines was deemed defective or invalid. So there is no definitive evidence that vaccines and autism are interrelated. In fact, other advanced studies have consistently found vaccines to be safe for children's health, and have nothing to do with autism.

4 Basic Facts About Autism that Must Be Known
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