4 Forbidden Places to Store Cellphones for Health


Medical Video: 15 Mistakes That Shorten the Life of Your Phone

Almost everyone cannot escape from an alias smartphone handphone (Cellphone). Starting from waking up, eating, going for a walk, to going back to sleep. In fact, a number of health experts assume that there is not enough evidence to show handphone that is dangerous. But apparently, there are various health problems that can arise when you carelessly store a cellphone.

Avoid these places when storing cellphones

A director of Environmental Studies and Toxicology at U.S. The National Academy of Science, Devra Lee Davis, Ph.D, MPH, believes that cellphone radiation can trigger serious health problems. This turned out to be triggered from the habit of storing cellphones carelessly.

It should be noted that cellphone radiation is similar to micro radiation which can damage DNA in body cells. If placed carelessly, the emission of radiation can increase the risk of cancer many times.

That's why, Devra Lee Davis recommends that you routinely keep your cellphone out of your reach every day. You don't have to bother forcing yourself not to touch your cellphone for days. The easiest way you can do is save the phone in the right place.

The following are places to avoid when you want to save your cellphone, namely:

1. Pants pocket

cellphone radiation in pants pocket

Most people or maybe you most often keep your cellphone in your pants pocket. But from now on, let's change this habit immediately to maintain your health.

In fact, pants pocket is the worst place to store cellphones. According to Lilly Friedman, MD, an expert chiropractor and therapist from Fort Lauderdale, a cellphone that is active and stored in a pants pocket can increase its radiation many times over. In fact, if your cellphone is connected to a wireless network, aka Wi-Fi, the radiation can increase 2 to 7 times greater.

If it continues to be allowed, this method can trigger tumor growth and reduce male fertility. The WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer even says that just sitting alone pocketing HP can trigger pelvic and back problems.

2. Under the pillow

change the sheets

Not a few people are accustomed to putting cellphones under the pillow for some reason. Either that prevents the HP from falling, making sure to hear the alarm in the morning, and so on.

This place actually should be avoided to maintain your health. Without realizing it, putting a cellphone under a pillow can increase heat and risk triggering a fire. Especially if the cellphone is being recharged (charge), the flow of electricity can make your cellphone get hotter.

The LED lights on the mobile screen can also disrupt melatonin production and circadian rhythms, two important things that determine the quality of your sleep. The National Sleep Foundation has warned that this bad habit of being the mastermind of why you have trouble sleeping soundly every night. Again, exposure to radiation can also increase the risk of cancer, including brain cancer.

3. Bathroom

For whatever reason, do not ever bring your cellphone into the bathroom. Although it can help repel boredom when defecating, this can add a lot of bacteria to the surface of the cellphone.

Remember that the bathroom is a dirty place that holds a myriad of bacteria. Even if you have put your cellphone away from the bathroom closet, bacteria that land on the toilet surface can be thrown a kilometer away when you rinse it (flush) So do not rule out the possibility that your cellphone is a new place for bacteria to grow.

In fact, these bacteria can float in the air for a long time and stick to the entire surface of the bathroom. So, imagine, right, how many bacteria will land on your cellphone if you are desperate to take it to the bathroom?

4. Close to the face

Putting a cellphone too close to the face can move bacteria from the face to the cellphone, and vice versa. This can increase the number of bacteria on the face and cellphone, then make the surface of both of them become more dirty.

The combination of bacteria and dirt from this cellphone can trigger acne, skin irritation, or even wrinkles on the face. As a solution, try giving a little distance between your face and cellphone when calling. If possible, use it loudspeaker when lifting the phone to be safer from radiation and prevent skin problems on the face.

4 Forbidden Places to Store Cellphones for Health
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