4 Types of Human Networks and Their Functions


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The human body consists of cells, tissues, and organs of the body. Cells will form tissue, then the tissue will form organs such as the lungs and heart. However, do you know what network is? Human tissue is a collection of cells with a similar arrangement. This set of cells works together to achieve a certain function. In the human body, there are four main types of tissue. Find out more about human networks in the following review.

What is human tissue?

Human tissue is a collection of cells that build the human body. The tissue builds arms, legs, hands, and organs such as the lining of the stomach, lungs, brain and others. Every part of the body has its own function. Therefore, there are many types of tissue that make up the human body.

If you enlarge tissue through a microscope, you will see that human tissue is a neatly organized group of cells based on their respective structures and functions. Based on grouping these cells, tissue is formed and then builds organs and other body parts.

Various types of human tissue

As mentioned above, the human body consists of 4 different types of tissue. The four are muscle tissue, connective tissue, epithelial tissue, and nerve tissue in the body. Next is each explanation.

Muscle tissue

Muscles are soft tissues in the body that help control body movements. Muscle tissue consists of long and fibrous cells that can contract and enlarge, so that it can make pressure on the muscles to move.

Cells in muscle tissue are arranged in parallel and bounded lines, so that muscle tissue is the most powerful tissue in the human body.

Epithelial tissue

Epithelial tissue can be found in the body and layers of several cavities and internal organs. Epithelial cells are intended for certain body functions, including secretion, selective absorption, protection, transcellular and taste transport.

Epithelial tissue is made of epithelial cells. These cells can be flat or flat, cuboid or column. Cells stick tightly, making single or stacked sheets. Like a tightly stitched blanket, the epithelium is an excellent protector for parts of the human body.

Connective tissue

As the name suggests, connective tissue plays a role in providing support (support) and hold the body parts together to stay together. This network fills in the empty space between organs. Some connective tissues include adipose (fat); collagen fibers that make up tendons and ligaments; and cartilage and bone, including tissue and bone marrow.

Neural network

Human neural networks are found in the nervous system and are made of unique special cells. Like electrical circuits, the nervous system delivers signals from nerves to the spinal cord and brain. The cells known as neurons conduct these impulses, so you can use all the senses such as touching, tasting, and smelling.

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4 Types of Human Networks and Their Functions
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