5 Causes of Difficulty Defecating During Fasting


Medical Video: How to Empty Your Bowels Without Straining

Difficulty defecating during fasting is one of the health problems that are often experienced by some people. Constipation or the medical language of constipation is a condition of a person's digestive system which has hard impurities that are difficult to remove. Well, tnot infrequently, this makes the BAB routine very painful.When you feel difficult during a bowel movement, or don't feel like you want to defecate for three days, you need to be vigilant.

What causes difficult bowel movements when fasting?

Constipation is a common symptom that many people experience when fasting. In most cases, difficult bowel movements when fasting occurs because ofthe large intestine absorbs too much water from food in the large intestine. The slower the food moves through the digestive tract, the more water the large intestine will absorb from it. As a result, dirt becomes dry and hard sothe frequency for bowel movements is reduced.

Basically each person's bowel habits are different. But it usually takes up to three days for the food eaten to be finally digested and absorbed by the body. So that not defecating for more than three days can be categorized as constipation. Because after three days, the stool structure will become harder and harder to remove.Here are some of the causes of difficult bowel movements when fasting.

1. Lack of fiber

Changes in diet during fasting make many people not pay attention to their food intake, especially fiber. Even though foods rich in fiber can increase the ability of intestinal peristalsis, and make the intestinal wall more expanding. So the rest of the food can be digested easily, and does not need to linger in the intestine.

2. Lack of drinking

In addition to lack of fiber, in fact it is difficult to defecate during fasting because your body is not well hydrated. Water plays a role in dissolving food substances and transporting leftover food into the body's exhaust system. Well, if your body is dehydrated due to lack of water intake, then the rest of the food will be difficult to carry into the body's exhaust system. That is why it is very important to meet the needs of water intake when breaking fast and dawn to reduce the risk of constipation.

3. Too much consumption of dairy products

Milk can slow down your digestive process because it contains less fiber. Consuming too much milk and processed products, such as cheese and ice cream can cause difficulty defecating, especially if you are not balanced with eating fruits and vegetables during fasting.

4. Often resist defecation

If you often ignore the urge to defecate, then the urge will gradually disappear until you finally don't feel it again. That's why for those of you who often resist defecation, you should immediately eliminate the habit. Because the longer you hold back the bowel movements, the feces will be longer in the intestine, making it hard and dry.

5. Intestinal disorders

Another disorder in the intestine that causes constipation is a disruption of muscle function in the intestine. Like the appearance of tumors in the intestine, the presence of scar tissue (adhesion), inflammation or infection occurs in the colon (large intestine), abnormal constriction of the colon and rectum so that the digestive process is disturbed.

How to overcome difficult BAB during fasting

Making lifestyle changes is one way to overcome difficult bowel movements when fasting. These lifestyle changes include;

  • Make sure you meet your fluid intake for at least 8 glasses of fasting per day. You can consume 2 glasses of water when breaking the fast, 2 cups at dawn, and 4 cups throughout the night.
  • Expand foods containing fiber, for example by eating vegetables, fruits, grains, cereals, beans, wheat, and brown rice.
  • Avoid dairy products, caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes
  • Exercise regularly at least 30 minutes after breaking the fast with mild to moderate intensity
  • Do not delay the urge to defecate and begin to regulate bowel habits
  • Not carelessly taking laxatives without recommendations from a doctor
5 Causes of Difficulty Defecating During Fasting
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