5 Foods Causes Bloating Stomach


Medical Video: Dr. Oz Shares Foods That Banish Bloat

Flatulence is one of the digestive problems that can happen to anyone; in small children and adults. Flatulence is usually accompanied by nausea and want to vomit, caused by excessive gas production, causing discomfort.

There are many things that can lead to flatulence, such as food and drinks that are eaten, or a less regular diet. Flatulence can also be a symptom of certain diseases. When experiencing flatulence, what happens is the frequency of excessive exhaustion of wind and belching. Learn more about the causes of flatulence.

What is the cause of flatulence?

Like some examples described above, the following is further exposure to things that can cause flatulence:

  • Eating too much. The food we eat contains certain substances. Overeating will result in more gas being produced.
  • Fatty food. Eating fatty foods can also be a factor in flatulence.
  • Eat too fast. Eating too quickly can cause the digestive system through certain enzymes to be less than optimal, as a result the stomach must digest harder.

What foods and drinks can cause flatulence?

If you often experience stomach problems, one of which is flatulence, you can be more selective in choosing foods and drinks that you will consume. It's good to avoid the following foods and drinks:

1. Vegetables

There are types of vegetables that can cause flatulence, including broccoli, cabbage, and cabbage. These vegetables contain raffinose, this is a sugar that must be fermented by bacteria in the intestine because it is difficult to digest. Broccoli, cabbage, and cabbage do have many benefits for the body. However, it should be avoided first if you have digestive problems, or you can replace it with other green vegetables. You can also change the cooking method, for example by steaming it first to soften the fiber.

2. Peas

Peas can also cause flatulence. This is because beans can produce excess gas. Almost the same as the types of vegetables above, nuts are digested by large intestine bacteria, so they produce gas. Nuts are also good for the diet. It doesn't matter if you have to consume nuts, but you need to control the intensity of eating. Not too often, if you do have digestive disorders. According to nutritionist Joanne L. Slavin, PhD, RD, it's good to consume fiber accompanied by drinking enough water, because fiber can absorb water.

3. Milk

There are some people who do experience allergies to cow's milk. Milk is very good for the body, but milk can also cause flatulence. This is because milk contains lactose. Not everyone will experience flatulence after drinking milk. Usually those who experience this are people who have problems with lactose or are allergic to lactose, so that when the digestion process occurs in lactose, the gas produced will be excessive.

4. Apples

Who would have thought that apples are one of the foods that can cause bloating? Yes, apples are one of the fruits that produce fructose and sorbitol, sugar which can cause excess gas. Other fruits besides apples are pears and peaches. But remember, apples are still good for consumption because they can avoid heart disease.

5. Salty food

Eating excess salty foods is also not good for the body. One type of diet, such as the mayo diet, relies on food without salt. Try to control the amount of salt consumed and needed every day by the body.

Other things that trigger excessive gas production

Please note that the digestive process is aided by bacteria in the intestine. Foods that are digested can cause excessive gas, which causes stomach conditions and bloating. Here are some things that trigger excessive gas production:

  • Chewing gum. Chewing gum can make us full, and produce a lot of water.
  • Drink through straws and carbonated drinks or soda.
  • Snoring candy.
  • Stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety can increase acid in the stomach. This can also trigger flatulence.


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5 Foods Causes Bloating Stomach
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