5 Myths of Low Carbohydrate Diets that You Don't Need to Believe in


Medical Video: Everything You Need to Know About the Keto Diet

A low carbohydrate diet is the most popular way to lose weight. Most people go on this diet by reducing the portion of rice or not eating rice at all, and replacing it with a source of protein or healthy fat. Although many devotees, this diet method is also a lot of myths. Believe in a myth that may not really damage your diet plan. So, let's find out what are the carbohydrate diet myths that you no longer need to follow.

The carbohydrate diet myth is not necessarily true

1. You really have to stop eating carbohydrates

Many are often mistaken about how to undergo a carbohydrate diet. As the name implies, a low carbohydrate diet means you only need to reduce the carbohydrate food portion. The portion of carbohydrates that must be reduced can be different between one person and another. So, it doesn't stop eating carbo at all.

Because the body still needs carbohydrate intake to be converted into energy so that every function runs normally and you can still move as usual.

2. Carbohydrate diets make you eat less vegetables and fruit

From the initial 300-400 grams of carbohydrates per day, you can reduce carbohydrate food intake to 150-200 grams during the diet. However, reducing eating fruits and vegetables just because you want to lose weight fast is the presumption of a wrong diet.

Most vegetables and fruits do contain carbohydrates. But so that you do not get hungry quickly and blood sugar rises, the type of carbohydrate that must be reduced is empty calorie foods such as sweet foods and drinks and starchy foods (bread and fried foods).

Replace with a source of complex carbohydrates that are rich in fiber and important vitamins and minerals, such as wheat; potato; soun and vermicelli; cassava; fruits such as apples, pears, and bananas; low-carbohydrate vegetables such as broccoli, cucumber, spinach, cauliflower; to legumes such as green beans, peas, beans and kidney beans.

3. Weight loss because the body loses water

This is true. The less carbohydrates you put in the body, the less chance it is converted into fat because the body only produces the hormone insulin.

So to be able to provide energy for you to move, the body will burn glucose stored in the liver (liver) and muscle cells. Glucose stored in the liver and muscles contains water. So, your water weight will drop which looks like weight loss in general.

In addition, reported from Healthline, studies show that carbohydrate diets can also reduce the amount of fat in the liver and belly fat, two types of fats that are very dangerous for health. Other studies show that a low carbohydrate diet during regular 6 weeks can help reduce fat mass by 3.4 kg, and increase muscle mass by 1.1 grams.

4. Carbohydrate diet is dangerous for heart health

A low carbohydrate diet that is replaced by increasing leman intake, such as the principle of the keto diet, is considered dangerous for heart health. Excess fat intake has long been associated with increased cholesterol and blood pressure.

Even so, the keto diet prioritizes food intake as a source of healthy fats that have been proven to nourish the heart. For example from avocados; vegetable oil (coconut oil and olive oil); nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, chia seeds); fatty fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, and mackerel); dairy products (yogurt, cheese, butter).

In fact, if done properly the low carbohydrate diet actually helps:

  • Lowers LDL cholesterol and blood triglycerides.
  • Increase HDL good cholesterol.
  • Lower blood pressure.
  • Reduces insulin resistance

5. Carbohydrate diet must reduce the portion of food

In fact, a carbohydrate diet is not necessary to reduce calories by reducing food portions. What should be reduced is the dose of carbohydrates per day. You can eat with the same frequency and portion as before the diet, provided the menu is varied and low in carbohydrates.

Reported on the Healthline page, a carbohydrate diet without having to reduce the portion of food can help you lose weight more than twice as fast as people who follow a low-fat diet while limiting food portions.

5 Myths of Low Carbohydrate Diets that You Don't Need to Believe in
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