5 Types of Foods That Make You Fart Often


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Farting in public places is a shame, especially if your fart has an unpleasant aroma. Maybe a few times you can evacuate to a quiet place, but if in one day you want to get rid of this wind coming too often, after a long time you are certainly overwhelmed. What causes you to fart too often? What types of food triggers often fart? See the explanation below.

Farting or exhausting wind, or in scientific language commonly known as flatus, occurs because of the effort of the stomach and intestines to destroy food into energy. But often there are some conditions that cause fart to become too frequent, more than 20 times (reasonable limit) in one day.

Causes of farting

Gas in the intestine can be produced along with the digestive process destroying the bacteria contained in food. However, there are several conditions that cause increased bacterial activity and the body becomes more difficult to absorb food, including:

  • Malabsorption syndrome. This occurs because of a decrease in the production of enzymes in the pancreas, a disturbance in the gallbladder, or in intestinal tissue.
  • Development of bacteria in the intestine. Increased changes in the type of bacteria that also cause nausea, frequent winds, diarrhea, and stomach full of wind.
  • Dispose of the wind too often can also be an indication or symptom of some diseases, such as diabetes, eating disorders, swelling of the large intestine, autoimmune pancreatitis, and so on.

What foods are often farting triggers?

In addition to increasing bacterial activity, frequent flushing of the wind is also triggered by consumption of certain foods. The types of foods that often trigger fart include:

  • Foods containing raffinose, which consists of galactose, glucose and fructose. Foods like cabbage, broccoli, and asparagus usually contain raffinose. Many doses of rafinose are also found in nuts.
  • Starch. Most starch is found in potatoes, corn, and wheat. This type of food produces gas when destroyed in the large intestine.
  • Fructose, which is found in many sweet fruits and drinks such as soft drinks and bottled fruit juices.
  • Sorbitol (sugar substitute), which is commonly found in sweetener-free candy and gum.
  • Fiber. Fiber consists of soluble fibers and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber contains more gas and it won't break down until it reaches the large intestine. Whereas non-soluble fiber is easily absorbed when it passes through the intestine and produces only a little gas.

When should this frequent fart be examined by a doctor?

You should immediately see a doctor if you dispose of the wind in frequency which is often accompanied by the onset of symptoms:

  • Annoying cramps in the abdomen
  • Changes in bowel habits
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Fever
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Right stomach pain.

How to stop the problem from getting rid of the wind often?

Some simple ways that can be done to deal with high wind exhaust frequency include:

  • By making a diary that contains any food drinks that you consume in one day. This step can also help you classify foods that are safe for consumption with those that are not.
  • If the steps above don't work, you can start your week with foods that are known to contain safe for your body and add new types of food every 2 days.
  • In general, avoid overeating behavior. Besides being able to trigger obesity, this can also trigger frequent farting.

The steps above may not completely cure the frequency of wasting your wind, but can reduce the symptoms that will be felt.

While there are a number of steps you can take to prevent excessive gas in the body You include:

  • Do a simple diet while identifying any foods that have the potential to produce a lot of gas in your body and,
  • No need to rush when chewing your food.
5 Types of Foods That Make You Fart Often
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