6 These Things That Happen To Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol


Medical Video: 10 Amazing Things That Happen When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

Changing habits becomes better, there are many temptations. Just like when you intend to stop drinking alcohol, of course this is not easy. In order to further convince you to get rid of alcohol, you should know what changes occur in the body when you stop drinking alcohol.

6 body changes when you stop drinking alcohol

1. You will sleep better

A recent study in the journal Alcoholism Clinical Experimental Research found that drinking alcohol before bed increases the alpha wave pattern in the brain, which can make the brain continue to work. As a result, this condition causes certain sleep disorders.

By leaving the habit of drinking alcohol you will have better sleep quality and feel refreshed the next day. Besides sleeping better, stopping drinking alcohol will also improve mood, concentration, and mental performance.

But usually because of alcohol dependence, in the early days you stop drinking alcohol you will find it difficult to sleep.

2. Feeling 'hungry' for sugar

Alcohol is a beverage that contains sugar. This sugar will increase the level of dopamine, a chemical in the brain that triggers pleasure.

Now when you start to stop drinking alcohol, at first the body tends to 'hungry' for sugary foods. This is caused by stimulation of the brain that makes the body of the brain like you usually do. This is what sometimes people are not strong and eventually go back to drinking alcohol again.

According to Damon Raskin, MD, a doctor in Los Angeles who is certified and expert in the field of drugs that has an addictive effect, you should not be surprised by this. Try to overcome this effect by consuming other sweet drinks that do not contain alcohol.

3. More hydrated skin

Within a few days you stop drinking alcohol, the skin will look more moist and fresh. This is due to the diuretic effect that alcohol has, which makes you continue to urinate so that it secretes a lot of body fluids.

Well, when you stop drinking alcohol, the fluid level in your body is more balanced and stable than before. Of course, this affects your health status, including skin health. The skin will look more moist and not dry.

4. Liver organs become healthier

Reported on the WebMD page, Professor Moore said that people who stop drinking habits especially for heavy drinkers, it will be very good for the health of his liver.

Although actually the liver is an organ that can repair itself when damaged, but still drinking too much alcohol can turn off various tissues in it. Every time the liver filters alcohol that enters the body, some liver cells will die.

Now by distancing yourself from alcohol, you will certainly maintain your health and liver function. Your liver organ will be more maximal in carrying out its function as neutralizing toxins in the body.

5. Ideal body weight

Alcohol may feel light just a drink but actually drinking alcohol will increase your daily calorie intake without you even knowing it. For example, one margarita contains around 300 calories or more (most of these calories are from sugar).

A study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that men would consume 433 extra calories each day because they drank moderate amounts of alcohol. While alcohol is also responsible for increasing women's daily calories by 300 calories.

Now when you stop consuming alcohol it means you will cut 433 and 300 calories in a day, with a note that you do not replace it with other sugar-rich foods. This way, you will get your ideal body weight quickly.

According to professor Moore, reported on the webMD page, with the cessation of someone consuming alcohol, it will occur a weight loss of about 1-2 kg without doing special sports or special diets, just by stopping alcohol.

6. So eat less

According to a study published in the American Journal of Nutrition, alcohol is one of the biggest triggers for people to eat excess food. This is presumably because alcohol can reduce a person's consciousness so that he continues to eat even though his stomach is full.

Another study published in the Obesity Journal showed that some women who received an infusion of alcohol equivalent to 2 alcoholic drinks experienced an increase in food intake by up to 30 percent more than those who received salt solutions.

Toxins in alcohol increase brain activity in the hypothalamus, making the brain more sensitive to food odors and encouraging them to eat more.

When you stop drinking alcohol, this effect will disappear and you tend to eat less without the urge of alcohol.

6 These Things That Happen To Your Body When You Stop Drinking Alcohol
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