8 Causes of Distended Stomach that are Often Unconscious


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There are many factors that cause a distended stomach, from hormonal changes to daily habits that are realized or not realized. In addition to making no confidence, a distended stomach also makes you uncomfortable with your appearance. Not only that, the accumulation of fat in the stomach can also trigger chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer later on.

Therefore, a distended stomach should not be underestimated. Moreover, this condition is not only possessed by fat people. Because, thin people can have a distended stomach, you know.Find out the various causes of distended stomachs and effective ways to overcome them below.

Various causes of distended stomachs

The following are various causes of a distended stomach that you should be aware of:

1. Hormones and age

hormonal imbalance

The male and female bodies have different main fat stores. In men, adipose tissue - the tissue that holds fat, accumulates in the abdomen and waist. While more women accumulate in the hips and thighs. SWith increasing age, men are more susceptible to having a distended stomach at more than 40 years of age. Because the reduction in testosterone causes excessive calories in the body to accumulate into visceral fat.

In addition, increasing age will also make someone lose muscle mass, especially if they lack exercise and sit more. Reduced muscle mass will reduce the body's metabolism in processing calories. As a result, the ability of fat cells in some organs of the body will decrease function in storing fat. That is why if someone is overweight, fat will immediately accumulate to the abdomen, which is the cause of the distended stomach.

2. Stress

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Stress is also the cause of a distended stomach. A large stress factor has an effect on weight gain, causing a buildup of fat in the stomach. In many people, when experiencing stress, appetite will increase, especially eating sweet and high-fat foods, causing excessive fat accumulation in the stomach.

In addition, the hormone cortisol, aka stress hormone, will increase the amount of fat in the body and widen the size of fat cells. Now the high levels of the hormone cortisol in the body are often associated with increased belly fat.

3. Lazy exercise

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Lazy sports adthe main problem is causes of distended stomach. If you rarely do physical activity and exercise, sethe days only eat and lie down, so don't be surprised if your stomach is enlarged. Because the fat from food you eat will not burn without doing activities andcauses fat to accumulate in only one part, the stomach.

Visceral fat is very responsive to diet and exercise techniques. LI will sport with thismedium tensitas, such as brisk walking, aerobics, zumba, jogging, etc. that allow you to actively move. Muscle strength training is also important, its function is to re-tighten lean muscle mass due to the effects of aging.

Besides that, olahraga will also help you stabilize blood sugar, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. If this is done, eeffective for preventing weight gain, especially if balanced by paying attention to the intake of healthy and low-fat foods.

4. Lack of sleep

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Having enough sleep is one of the important things that can affect health. Many studies have found that lack of sleep can increase the risk of weight gain, which affects the accumulation of visceral fat.

If yousleep less than six hours every night, then it willincrease the chance to accumulate belly fat as one of the causes of a distended stomach.

5. Consumption of alcohol

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Like overweight in general, central obesity, aka a distended stomach, is often triggered by alcohol consumption so many call it a distended stomach with beer belly or beer belly. When consuming alcohol, brain neuron activity experiences an increase associated with hunger. This is what makes heavy drinkers tend to have a distended stomach and being overweight.

In addition, alcohol consumption will increase glucose intake which is not needed by the body so that it will accumulate fat in the stomach.

6. Menopause

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The cause of a distended stomach can also be due to menopausal factors. Some women experience an increase in abdominal fat during menopause, which usually occurs one year after a woman has her last menstrual period.

At that time, estrogen levels dropped dramatically, causing fat to be stored in the stomach, not again at the hips and thighs. One study found that early menopause women tend to get additional belly fat.

7. Poor posture (bowing)

Here are some exercises that can be done to improve the stooped posture.

Another factor causing a distended stomach is having a bad habit of standing and sitting. Because, having a bad posture will make the body look fat and bulge stomach.

8. The presence of bacteria in the intestine

digestive enzymes

Maintaining intestinal health is very important to maintain a healthy immune system so that it can avoid disease. Because, hundreds of types of bacteria live in your intestine, especially in the large intestine. Some bacteria are beneficial for health, some are harmful.

Researchers have found that obese people tend to have a number of bacteriaFirmicutes in the intestines more than people with normal weight. Research also shows that these types of bacteria can increase the number of calories absorbed from food so that they can increase body weight, including belly fat. Do not rule out the possibility of this bacteria lodged in thin people too.

Health problems caused by a distended stomach

distended stomach

Distended stomach turned out to save many health problems. The risk of diseases, especially degenerative diseases also increases with increasing fat deposits in the stomach. Some types of diseases that can be caused by accumulation of fat in the abdominal area include:

1. High cholesterol

Abdominal fat is closely related to levels of fat in the blood, especially cholesterol. This is because abdominal fat is located close to the blood vessels that connect the intestine to the liver.

Abdominal fat will release substances that contain free fatty acids and then carry over to the liver. This causes an increase in total cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL). So it is not surprising if people who have a distended stomach usually also have high cholesterol levels.

2. High blood pressure

Recent research shows that fat cells in the stomach produce a type of protein that has the potential to clog arteries and cause increased blood pressure. In addition, rising blood pressure can also be caused by fat stored near important body organs in the stomach.

Retroperitoneal fat, the type of fat found around the kidneys and adrenal glands, can affect the workings of the kidneys. Given that the kidneys are one of the organs that play a role in regulating blood pressure, it is not impossible if the kidneys work will be affected, causing an increase in blood pressure.

3. Diabetes

Distended stomach is one of the risk factors for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Abdominal fat can secrete a protein compound calledretinol-binding 4(RBP4), which plays a role in insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance is the beginning of diabetes, where our body's cells cannot respond to insulin properly so that blood sugar levels increase.

4. Heart disease and stroke

Belly fat secretes a compound called cytokine. Cytokines play a role in heart disease and other diseases associated with inflammation. When your body is inflamed, the liver produces cholesterol and other toxins that can form plaques in arteries.

Increased blood fat such as cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides are risk factors for heart disease and stroke.

5. Dementia

Research shows that people with distended bellies tend to be at risk of dementia or senility compared to those with no distended stomach. A study conducted by the Department of Cardiology at Oita Red Cross Hospital in Japan states that there are abnormal changes in the volume of the hippocampus and insulin resistance in those who have high levels of belly fat and suffer from diabetes.

In addition, as quoted from WebMD, Sudha Seshadri, an assistant professor of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine, said that the more fat accumulates in the stomach, the brain volume will shrink. Small brain volume is associated with poor cognitive abilities and the risk of dementia later in life.

Measuring waist circumference to determine the risk of obesity

Easy Tips to Reduce Distended Stomach

Central obesity aka abdominal obesity, or better known as a distended abdomen, is a collection of excess fat in the abdominal area. One way to estimate whether you include experiencing a distended stomach or not is to measure waist circumference.

The waist size is ideal for woman is less than 80 cm, whereas for men no more than 90 cm. If the measurement of waist circumference is more than that number, then there is a possibility that you have a distended stomach or central obesity.

You can also measure waist circumference with 4 hands. The trick, stand up straight and breathe as usual. Then measure your waistline parallel to your belly button using your hand, starting from the front or back. If your waist circumference exceeds 4 inches, then you are likely to enter the central obesity catalog.

However, measurement of waist circumference using a measuring tape is considered to be more optimal than with a hand span. Because the size of each person's hand is different, so it will likely give different results.

What must be done to shrink the distended stomach

Based on the explanation described above, it is known that a distended stomach is not a good sign for the body. Even if it is not treated immediately, a distended stomach can increase your risk of developing various chronic diseases in the future.

Keeping your body shape healthy and in accordance with the criteria is not an easy thing, but that does not mean you are not likely to do it. It takes dedication, discipline, and strong endurance so you can achieve it. Here are some simple things you can do to shrink a bloated stomach:

1. Regular exercise

The key to the success of shrinking a distended stomach is to actively move and exercise regularly. Because the visceral fat will come when you mager, aka lazy motion. So from now on try to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. No need to exercise with high intensity, just start from mild to moderate such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or aerobics.

Do it regularly because these activities can help you control your weight, increase your heart rate, and slow the onset of visceral fat in your stomach. If your current weight is within normal limits, then your exercise goal is no longer losing weight but increasing muscle mass. Muscle cells burn more fat than other body cells, so that if your muscle mass is high, you will burn more calories everyday while reducing the accumulation of fat in the stomach.

2. Pay attention to daily food intake

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Paying attention to daily food intake is not only useful for weight loss, but also helps to reduce the distended stomach. You must pay attention to the portion of food and the intake of nutrients from the food you consume. Foods that are recommended to be consumed to reduce belly fat are foods that are high and contain protein and limit carbohydrate intake.

Hairston's research shows that people who consume 10 grams of fiber per day (such as one small apple, or a cup of green beans) can prevent the appearance of visceral fat in the stomach.

3. Make sure you get enough sleep

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Again, sleep is beneficial for health, including in an effort to shrink your stomach. According to one study it was found that people who slept enough, ie, six to seven hours per day, had less visceral fat than people who slept less than five hours per day. So, make sure you get enough sleep every night, huh.

4. Avoid stress

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Besides getting enough sleep, it is important for you to avoid stress. Because, managing stress without you knowing it can help in shrinking the distended stomach. Try to relax with family or friends, meditate, exercise, take a walk or do things that you like to keep you happy and avoid stress.

5. Increase fluid consumption

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Have you ever woken up with an enlarged stomach than before? This can happen if you eat too much the night before. If this happens, try to consume more fluids, such as soups, juices, or smoothies at breakfast.

Drinking fluids before meals can make you feel full faster so you avoid overeating. In addition, adequate fluid intake will also help smooth your digestion.

8 Causes of Distended Stomach that are Often Unconscious
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