Apparently, Bengong actually made us more productive


Are you among those who are often confused? In society, silence is not a habit to be proud of. Many believe that if you are stunned, your mind might be overrun by an evil spirit. In addition to mystical reasons, dumbfounded or dreamy in broad daylight is also often associated with people who are less working or unproductive. So, when you are found dumbfounded, usually the people around you will then "wake up" you from the dream in broad daylight. In fact, various scientific studies carried out to study this condition actually reveal that there are many dumb benefits.

Not as believed by the people, dumbfounded it will stimulate the brain so that you are also more productive. Do not believe? See the full explanation below.

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What happens to the brain when dumbfounded?

Bengong is a very common condition. A study at the University of Oregon, United States proves that both consciously and unconsciously, most people will drift everywhere up to 50% of your time all day. The human brain has a diverse network and level of awareness. The network can be activated alternately outside of your control. The form of tissue used by the brain when dazed is called default-mode. While the network when you make important decisions is called executive control. Networks that are active when you react or respond to stimuli in certain situations are known as salience.

When the brain activates tissue default-mode, your mind seems to run automatically. However, the results of brain scanning are in conditions default-mode shows that brain activity associated with cognitive function decreases. This means in the network default-mode You will have difficulty concentrating, digesting new information, memorizing things, or taking into account difficult choices. Your brain works more relaxed and free. This is why dumbness can make people feel comfortable and forget themselves.

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Silent benefits for the brain

The brain will not create special tissue if there is no benefit to your body and mind. Likewise with the network default-mode which is used when you are busy dreaming in broad daylight. So, consider the following various benefits of dumbfounding.

1. Increase productivity

If the brain is actually relaxed and free when dumbfounded, how can you be more productive? Apparently, dumbness can increase your cognitive capacity. An experiment initiated by Bar-Ilan University in Israel asked research participants to complete certain work in front of a computer screen. As a result, those who do the work are dumbfounded several times the performance is actually better than those who are fully concentrated. This means that dumb habits help you work more effectively.

2. Triggering creativity

Maybe you've got a brilliant idea or idea after spending time in the bathroom. This turns out there is an explanation. When you are carrying out tasks that are light and don't really need high concentration such as driving, talking or reading books, networking default-mode immediately active. In this condition, you will be more calm and relaxed. That way, you can also see a problem with a different perspective because you don't feel pressured or depressed. You also can be able to find creative solutions to certain problems, which might not occur to you in a fully conscious state.

3. Increase memory

When dumbfounded, the brain is actually storing various information into long-term memory. This cannot be done by the brain if you are preoccupied with various activities such as working, studying, or talking with other people. When entering default-mode, electrical waves in the brain will decrease and you enter quiet moments. This is the right time to save memory. So, usually people who are often stunned actually have better memory.

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Improve brain function dumbfounded

Because the benefits are dumb for the brain to be missed, you can train yourself to get used to dumbfounding. Indeed, there are some people whose minds are always active and tend to fret about certain things, making it difficult for these people to let their minds go everywhere. Therefore, try to do activities such as walking, riding a bicycle, or swimming. Aerobic exercise can help your mind relax more because you have to adjust your breathing in such a way.

You can also reduce usage smartphone when unemployed, waiting for someone, or in public transportation. It's better to pay attention to the environment around you and let your mind roam everywhere. If you don't want to miss ideas that arise when dumbfounded, always prepare a small notebook wherever you go.

Apparently, Bengong actually made us more productive
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